Sat nav LOL

As you may know I think satnavs are a waste of money, use a road atlas with truck routes and ask directions to the exact location on the phone. I would NEVER pay a huge amount of hard earned money for a f**kin toy that nobody trusts anyway :laughing:
However ! … Last week Verizon called me about my mobile accout which is due for renewal and as usual they will offer lots to keep my custom. “You have VZ navigator on your phone if you want it but you have not uploaded it, can I ask why ?” said the girl.
“Because it is a waste of money at $9.99 a month I am not gonna waste my time or money to tell me what O mostly know anyway” I said.
“You can have it for a penny a month” she said.
“yeah … untill 6 months pass and the price gos up again” I said.
“No, one cent a month for ever” she said.
“Ok, I’ll try it”
So this week I have been playing with it on the phone wich has a largish touch screen, I can set it for truck routes which is not bad considering a truck satnav costs a lot more than a regular one. Every time I stop it shows me the cheapest fuel at truck stops and gas stations in the area and all entertainment and places to eat within 5 miles so I am very impressed … still wouldn’t pay hard earned cash for a satnav though.

:smiley: 1 more of us, one less of them
google maps is also free but uses a little bit of data to download the maps

i have a rand mcnally truck 7" screen it does a good job, does my state mileage, can do logs keeps me on truck routes, on special now for $399 at the pilot, and you claim a tax rebate

i have a rand mcnally truck 7" screen it does a good job, does my state mileage, can do logs keeps me on truck routes, on special now for $399 at the pilot, and you claim a tax rebate

Not wanting to upset you Tonka but ‘AMBEST’ truck stops sell that for $100 less at $299 mate.

just called at am best in lubbuck tx. to check it out, a mate was going to get one $299 for 5" $399 for 7"
pilot has a better deal if it has problem in the first 30 days they replace it.

Ok, just thought I’d mention it, anyway AMBEST ripped me off this week :frowning:
I got a registered AM Bucks card 6 years ago when I used to run all 48 lower states and used it at every occasion, mostly on Florida runs I would use it at Stoney Creek, Davis truck stop in VA, I built up loads of points and never cashed them in, I would check on line regularly to check my points and when I took my present job the only AM truck stop I get to use is Chicopee MA and every time I go there and ask to claim my points I got the “You have to go to the store or diner to use them” answer. If i went to the diner i would offer the card to pay and get “You need to get vouchers from the fuel desk first”, this happened several times then on weds this week I made up my mind to claim the damm points no matter, I stopped for the night, got fuel and said I wanted to claim my points and was given the “You have to use the store or diner” again to which I raised my temper after all the crap they had given me before, I said they had messed me about enough and I want my rebate now. The guy checked the balance and it showed $1.75 :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
I told the guy that was wrong because there wasloads of points on there that had not been claimed in 6 years …“If you don’t claim them in a certain time you loose them” he said.
“Cut the f**kin thing up and throw it then cos its a waste of time and I’ll fill up at the pilot from now on” I said.