Sarcasim & Personnel attacks

Why do some drivers on this website turn to sarcasim & personnel attacks to genuine topics posted (See Route to Madrid on Euro driving)
I posted the topic in good faith of a helpfull answer,which I did get from Vascoingles.
One of the other drivers resorted to the above subject of sarcasim, and I know Not this person from “Adam”. He said he expects my threads that I have posted in the past were from a total novice of which I am not but I am also not an Expert like he professes to be,and I am big enough and proud enough to ask for help if I need it,but if I was a novice what is wrong with them asking for advice and help on here without people like him being sarcastic,after all didnt he once be a novice?
It’s people like him that give this industry a bad name after looking at some of his past reply’s to topics etc, Rant Over :unamused:

i’m with you mate genuine questions should be answered in the same good faith that they are asked. the occasional idiot is the price of free speech on a public forum

I get this too,apparently it is illegal for a TN user to use a public computer at a public library.Folks on here nust spend all day putting together past quotes,and then negative comments,it is just like kids at the kindergarden,"He said this,he said that etc,etc."Uk drivers never stick together,no wonder the industry is in a mess.Didnt we say that the jet engine will never succeed,as the inventor Frank Whittle predicted success,and now billions fly.Seems this mentality is still in use today,if they dont like the posts,then dont read them.Instead of hiding behind the keyboard,maybe meet face to face,and air the grievance.Funny how in any UK truckstops,nobody talks,and share the days events,and frustrations over a cup of tea.Compared to european truckstops,even someone that does not speak your motherland tongue,will make an effort to have a chat.I learnt to speak 3 languages from sharing the dinning table with fellow drivers in euroland.

‘…Why do some drivers on this website turn to sarcasm & personnel attacks to genuine topics posted (See Route to Madrid on Euro driving: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48137)…’

It’s a raffle, I suppose - but full respect to all dudes doing long stuff.

Thanks for the replys to my post lads,I have had some bad luck with my health and then been made redundant in the last 7 mths,but got myself a new job and things are looking up,I come on TN for upto date info on whats happening in the truckers world etc and dont want to see comments by people like him that thinks he is above the rest of us.I know its going to happen on here but what is a newbie driver going to think if he gets remarks like that and not get any genuine help.

Thanks for the replys to my post lads,I have had some bad luck with my health and then been made redundant in the last 7 mths,but got myself a new job and things are looking up,I come on TN for upto date info on whats happening in the truckers world etc and dont want to see comments by people like him that thinks he is above the rest of us.I know its going to happen on here but what is a newbie driver going to think if he gets remarks like that and not get any genuine help.

Ah, but you did get genuine help.
We do our best to ensure that happens for everyone.

Unfortunately, or is it fortunately(?), this is a free country, with free speech. But those concepts work both ways.

You would probably have received similar replies, of both styles, had you asked your question in a truckstop or in the drivers area on a boat. Did you honestly expect anything different here?

Thanks for the reply Simon, Yes I got some Helpful directions from Vascoingles which I am grateful and yes I would have got similar replys
from truckstops etc,but what annoyed me most was the personnel attack on me when the man does not know me or me know him.
Like you said, we live in a free country with free speech and if thats how he gets his kicks in life,so be it.

Thanks for the reply Simon, Yes I got some Helpful directions from Vascoingles which I am grateful and yes I would have got similar replys
from truckstops etc,but what annoyed me most was the personnel attack on me when the man does not know me or me know him.
Like you said, we live in a free country with free speech and if thats how he gets his kicks in life,so be it.

Unfortunately you will always get replies you don’t like on forums, that’s life !! but you will usually get good replies too - a thick skin is always useful and, to be honest, George’s replies were not as bad as you see on some other internet forums I’ve seen :wink:

I see nothing wrong it telling a bloke to buy a map. Just about every driver on here has a preferential route from Irun to Madrid. Mine would have been to use the N1.

It seems malmaz is just a big girl.

see nothing wrong it telling a bloke to buy a map. Just about every driver on here has a preferential route from Irun to Madrid.

Which is probably why he was asking - A map will show routes but not the reason WHY a particular route is good or bad…