Santa banned!

What do these people think they are doing?, a year or two ago some council up North took the union ■■■■■■■■ the roof of their council buildings as it may be offensive to ethnic minorities absolutely disgusting in my mind and i,m sure a lot of others.

Now they want to ban Santa because he may upset "other " religions ■■■■ other religions who,s going to tell the kids this one??

■■■■ ing ridiculous !!!..,,2-2004521125,00.html

I voted no, but santa should be banned on the grounds of emptying pockets!

who is this person of little or no goodwill and joy ,send the ones

responsible back to the days of SCROOGE and leave,em

there. Its a time in the year when we forget any troubles we have

when we see the JOY of the person opening up HER/ HIS

PRESENTS; YOUNG OR OLD it does not matter we all

have fun together, HUMBUG say I to this ill advised person

This is a big issue in some schools in the US with the whole “separation of church and state” thing… they’re taking it a little too far. Last year at Seth’s school Christmas pagent we watched 7 year olds doing the Hula at some type of Hawaiian festival :open_mouth: … there was no mention of Santa, Christmas, Jesus, Wise men… just grass skirts and flowered shirts :wink: I could see the issue in some inner city schools that have religious variations, but in an all Christian community, with no muslim, hindu, or Jewish people in sight, thats going just a little too far. The parents were less than impressed.

Have I missed something here? What religion does Santa symbolise? There may be some regions of the world where St Nicholas is a seasonal benefactor but a religious figure? I don’t think so.

I can’t recall any religious group (but I may well be wrong) saying that Santa should be banned, though you might get a debate from some about the evils of excess surrounding the celebration of the birth of a religious figure.

Mauinly because I’m a miserable bugger, yes I do, up until the week before Christmas at least. Santa doesn’t mean a lot now I don’t think. One of the old pagen gods, who’s influence - if that’s the right word is waining. Much the same as Christmas. Not wanting to upset anyone, but I’ve never been particularly religous and feel it’s much over hyped nowdays. Far away from what it’s intended to be.

Me, I just enjoy Christmass for what it is. Quality time with the family and a chance to relax totally for a bit.

Santa doesn’t mean a lot now I don’t think. One of the old pagen gods, who’s influence - if that’s the right word is waining.

Don’t want to get into a religious debate, but Santa Claus was not a Pagan God. There are many modern Christmas traditions that did originate with the Pagans, but this isn’t one of them.

A wealthy orphan whose parents died in an epidemic, Saint Nicholas became a bishop at age 17. At age 30 he became the bishop of Myra (now the city of Demre on the south coast of Turkey) near the beginning of the fourth century. Soon after his appointment, the government of the Eastern Roman Empire jailed all Christian bishops who did not publicly sacrifice to the gods of Rome. Nicholas remained in prison for nearly ten years until Constantine conquered the East – ending the persecution of Christians. So many Christians had defected that the sacrament of confession was created, so that the “traitors” could cleanse their souls before re-entering the Christian Church.

Nicholas was a vigorous opponent of Arianism, the belief of the Alexandrian bishop Arius that Christ was created by God and therefore inferior to God. Constantine called the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. to resolve the bitter conflict in the Eastern Church over Arianism. Nicholas reputedly not only attended Nicea, but physically accosted Arius there.

Saint Nicholas became the subject of many legends. A sailor who fell overboard was reputedly saved by Nicholas when the saint walked on water, retrieved the sailor and carried him back to the ship. After an innkeeper had robbed & dismembered some students, Nicholas reputedly re-assembled them and restored them to life. Nicholas took pity on a poverty-stricken family with 3 daughters who faced the threat of being forced into prostitution because they had no wedding dowries. For two daughters he crept-up to their house at night and threw bags of gold through a bedroom window. For the last daughter, he threw a bag of gold down the chimney – which landed in a stocking she had set by the fireplace for drying. The traditional association of chimneys & stockings with Santa Claus comes from this story. Nicholas was also noted for his generosity with children – he would reward them with treats if they had studied their catechism & behaved well. Nicholas was therefore patron saint of schoolchildren & sailors.

Well if you read The Sun, you can only expect intolerance (tut)

If you think about it for a min… flags of nationality have little to do with The Mass of Christ. So you can see why some might take offence at flags being brandished around. On the other hand, there is a flag of another nation over a Mosque local to me.

I had an difference of opinion last year, about advent calenders. The ‘Advent’ of the birth of Christ was not 25 days, and I refuse to get into the whole thing.

I sort of suspect that those who hoot loudest about ‘preserving’ the image of Santa, do not go to church on a regular basis.

When you all go to church regularly, get back to me and have a ‘row’ about the birth of Christ (I wasn’t there, but I have a sort of value that the event took place) I sort of doubt that Christ was too worried about the lack of flags over buildings.

If Flags are offensive to someone else… OK… it ain’t worth my blood pressure fluctuations.

Chill Jammy… It is only a flag and NOT a religion.

Lots of CLEVER ‘big babies’ on here ain’t there??

<<<<<<< Heads back to the ‘chilled’ thick as you want corner.
<<<<<<< Very thick

Well if you read The Sun, you can only expect intolerance (tut)

I dont buy newspapers its simply a quote from a website, however if i did buy a paper i dont see the problem with the Sun after all its the biggest selling newspaper in Britain

If you think about it for a min… flags of nationality have little to do with The Mass of Christ. So you can see why some might take offence at flags being brandished around. On the other hand, there is a flag of another nation over a Mosque local to me.

The flag thing was nothing to do with Christmas, it was just an example of some other ■■■■■■■ idiot taking the thoughts of ethnic minorities in to account but forgetting about upsetting the people of Britain. what flag is on the mosque?, i bet if you said it was upsetting to you because you are British they would do nothing at all.

I sort of suspect that those who hoot loudest about ‘preserving’ the image of Santa, do not go to church on a regular basis.

I dont go to church at all however it does not make me a non-believer in christianity. I can see churches being banned in this country pretty soon due to upsetting ethnic minortities, then pubs as some of the larger ethnic minorities think alcohol is evil, NO joking but if they can have Santa banned its only a matter of time before other things follow.

If Flags are offensive to someone else… OK… it ain’t worth my blood pressure fluctuations.

Chill Jammy… It is only a flag and NOT a religion.

Lots of CLEVER ‘big babies’ on here ain’t there??

<<<<<<< Heads back to the ‘chilled’ thick as you want corner.
<<<<<<< Very thick

I am British and VERY proud to be British, therefore i want to see the British flag flown in MY own country is that a ■■■■■■■ problem?, and i also cant see why anyone would be upset with Santa Claus can you■■?. if so please explain.

I really hope the" very thick "comment is not intended for me this board does not support personal attacks lets leave them for the playground, i,ll see you out there.

Kate Hasler:

Santa doesn’t mean a lot now I don’t think. One of the old pagen gods, who’s influence - if that’s the right word is waining.

Don’t want to get into a religious debate, but Santa Claus was not a Pagan God. There are many modern Christmas traditions that did originate with the Pagans, but this isn’t one of them.


[zb] Christians hijacked the Pagan Winter solstice celebrations - claiming the Birth of Christ when astronomers have proved the stars over Bethlehem wouldn’t have happened in winter (can’t remember when it would have happened though)

Happy Solstice everyone :wink:

Kate Hasler:

Santa doesn’t mean a lot now I don’t think. One of the old pagen gods, who’s influence - if that’s the right word is waining.

Don’t want to get into a religious debate, but Santa Claus was not a Pagan God. There are many modern Christmas traditions that did originate with the Pagans, but this isn’t one of them.

A wealthy orphan whose parents died in an epidemic, Saint Nicholas became a bishop at age 17. At age 30 he became the bishop of Myra (now the city of Demre on the south coast of Turkey) near the beginning of the fourth century. Soon after his appointment, the government of the Eastern Roman Empire jailed all Christian bishops who did not publicly sacrifice to the gods of Rome. Nicholas remained in prison for nearly ten years until Constantine conquered the East – ending the persecution of Christians. So many Christians had defected that the sacrament of confession was created, so that the “traitors” could cleanse their souls before re-entering the Christian Church.

Nicholas was a vigorous opponent of Arianism, the belief of the Alexandrian bishop Arius that Christ was created by God and therefore inferior to God. Constantine called the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. to resolve the bitter conflict in the Eastern Church over Arianism. Nicholas reputedly not only attended Nicea, but physically accosted Arius there.

Saint Nicholas became the subject of many legends. A sailor who fell overboard was reputedly saved by Nicholas when the saint walked on water, retrieved the sailor and carried him back to the ship. After an innkeeper had robbed & dismembered some students, Nicholas reputedly re-assembled them and restored them to life. Nicholas took pity on a poverty-stricken family with 3 daughters who faced the threat of being forced into prostitution because they had no wedding dowries. For two daughters he crept-up to their house at night and threw bags of gold through a bedroom window. For the last daughter, he threw a bag of gold down the chimney – which landed in a stocking she had set by the fireplace for drying. The traditional association of chimneys & stockings with Santa Claus comes from this story. Nicholas was also noted for his generosity with children – he would reward them with treats if they had studied their catechism & behaved well. Nicholas was therefore patron saint of schoolchildren & sailors.

Santa Claus

The Santa Claus story arose from legends surrounding the Catholic patron saint of storm-tossed sailors, Nicholas. These legends in turn have their roots in still earlier pagan myths, including the Roman Befana, the Germanic Berchta and Knecht Ruprecht, and the Scandinavian Odin. Odin was said to have ridden through the sky in winter with a pack of elves, rewarding men with gifts.

I personally think he’s great for the kids, however he’s regarded, but the symbolism behind him changes. I personally have never been religious - our folks left it up to us to choose of we wanted to be baptised when we were old enough. I didn’t, my sister did and is very religious. :wink: .

Havent you all noticed, Its always the White (supreemist, guardianist, wet, leftie [ I can think of more :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ]) who say that the ethnic minorities take offence. Nobody cares what anyone believes, solong as its withing the law.

But this is a christian country, and has a long tradition of christianity, we are not held by any one religion, we enjoy the holidays more than what they mean reigiously (what little we have).

Do we stop celibration of all customs so noone can take offence? doubt it, cant offend the minorities

Here we go again… another debate thats gonna turn nasty. :unamused: And I actually thought we were all making progress around here…

Now we’ve resorted to calling people “big babies” for voicing an opinion and upholding their convictions,… not on a ridiculous issue either…and Jammy has a widely shared and well respected opinion. Considering the topic of this conversation, this is about as immature as I’ve seen yet. And anyone could see that his issue with flags had nothing to do with his statement about Santa Claus… National pride has nothing to do with religious beliefs… it was simply an analogy… geeeeesh :unamused:

People who migrate to a country and then complain about the culture, traditions, customs, ect… including a citizens right to display a flag, should have had second thoughts about moving there. The natural citizens of a country shouldn’t have to adapt to anything to avoid offending anyone. If they don’t like your flag… let them fly their own and keep their mouths shut… or give them directions to the airport. We fly both the Stars and Stripes and the Union Jack here… or did til our Union Jack got stolen… lol. We’ve never had a complaint, and obviously someone appreciated it enough to take it right off our front yard. :stuck_out_tongue: They’re hard to come by locally… so if any of you guys want to send us a new one… (I actually kinda miss seeing it there) lmao :wink:

Christian beliefs have nothing at all to do with participation in organized religion. I’ve had my fair share of experience with that. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation of the Bible… thats why there are so many different Christian denominations, and they just seem to keep growing. The number of people who are so willing to shove their personal interpretations down your throat are unbelievable. You don’t have to adopt the teachings and attitudes of any one specific church to hold Christian beliefs. Church goers aren’t necessarily more religious or better Christians than those that don’t go to church. In fact, so many of them are extremely hypocritical and use the fact that they go to church as a way to redeem themselves for their behavior during the rest of the week. God knows the difference, and so do most people. I prefer a genuine non-church goer to a hypocritical church goer any day of the week.

Santa Claus is Santa Claus… Pagan roots, or Christian saint, it doesn’t really matter and the debate is useless…its synonomous with Christmas now, and the legend exists for children. If you don’t like that, then you always have the option to ruin Christmas for your own kids,… but leave mine to me. I happen to think that having a little blind faith in something is good for people, and there are just too many cynics in the world already…anyone who takes a good look at kids at Christmas time, could learn a thing or two from them. Afterall… Santa Claus is technically no more of a legend than God himself… and millions of people have blind faith in him.

Kate Hasler:
Santa Claus is Santa Claus… Pagan roots, or Christian saint, it doesn’t really matter and the debate is useless…its synonomous with Christmas now, and the legend exists for children. If you don’t like that, then you always have the option to ruin Christmas for your own kids,… but leave mine to me. I happen to think that having a little blind faith in something is good for people, and there are just too many cynics in the world already…anyone who takes a good look at kids at Christmas time, could learn a thing or two from them. Afterall… Santa Claus is technically no more of a legend than God himself… and millions of people have blind faith in him.

Erm, didn’t you see the bit about me thinking Santa was good for kids? I agree we should keep him going for them, just voicing my own opinion on the subject. I’m interested in where traditions and beliefs like these started. I thought you might be as well.

Absolutely I saw that… and I agree with you completely. I am also interested in these things…took a couple college courses on it… maybe I’m a little too biased on the subject, but my statement wasn’t a response to your post Liberace… but another one. Sorry for the confusion. :laughing:

Well well well!

Its christmas, enjoy it and for those who dont want to enjoy it then go sit in a dark room for a month or two!

Santa will be comming to my house this year with more prezzies than last year, because my son is 5! and isnt it great to see someone who still believes in Father Christmas? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Personaly I dont give a hoots what it costs, who it may upset, or even offends, we will be buzzing and I shall enjoy it regardless,

My house will be lit up with santa,snowmen, and loads of silly stars and other festive articles, if you get upset by it then dont look! the rest are more than welcome to, :wink:

Good on ya TC, Santa’s coming to my place too he told me. :wink:

Santa is coming to my house as well.

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :smiley: :smiley:

By the way, my daughter is 24 YEARS old.

When I stop over at MY mothers house, for christmas, Santa visits ME :open_mouth:

Cough… well jammy… ya did have a link to a Sun webstite didn’t you? I sort of guessed that you must be reading that codswollop … I don’t give a flying fig what flag is over my local Mosque, and I sort of guess that Christ, Mohammed, Allah, Budduah would care too much either.
As for the ‘thick’ comment… that’s me right… very thick and always asking sticky questions. By the way Kate… I am sure that what you wrote was great and hugely educational… but when it gets past four lines… my interest waivers YAWNNNNNNNNN.
<<<<<<<, Mutters something about those who have far too much to say about stuff and heads back off to the ‘thick corner’
I’m just argumentative :smiley: