Samworth Brothers

On a long weekend at the moment (my choice), then start Samworth Brothers, Long term contract doing chill through agency. (We’ll see what happens after Christmas), anyone know what they’re like? Kit seems decent enough and it’s a good hourly rate, so hopefully it’ll be a decent little earner (better than Walkers anyway :wink: ), or that’s the plan at the moment :open_mouth: :unamused: .

Used to come across them quite a lot , drivers always said they were a good lot to work for.

Met some of their boys from down west and they also seemed pretty content. I guess that’ll be covering the Ginsters contract - mind you don’t mistake those for real pasties :laughing:


i’m sure i have seen them in tesco’s rdc at livingston.pretty regular at that :laughing: good luck

ive seen em at all of the RDCs that I go to, inc asda,tesco,safeway/morrisons,& co-op mainly on the ginsters contract, but I`ve never had the oppotunity to chat to em :confused:
though the depot/factory at leicester is a real pain as a drop, due to it being on 2 sites and the security guy being a complete[ZB]

That one I know about Pierre, used to deliver on Multidrop. Enough said. Hope they don’t recognise me :laughing: :open_mouth: :wink: .

Brilliant!! We now have someone to blame when the question WHO ATE ALL THE PIES?? is asked :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hiya, lib, used to always run into the corby chilled gang as i called em when i was working for express dairies, tesco’s and tesco’s and tesco’s hehe, the kit is always looked after well and i’d say your on a top little number there matey.

All the samworth guys i remember were always very happy bout what they did, never moaned (makes a change) and the kit was always sparkling…


I was following a samworth brother wagon on the 34 last night at the start by the M40, the guy was all over the shop, guess the tiredness was setting in for the poor chap.

All the best for the new start anyway lib x


Sorry bud I can’t help but good luck all the same. :wink:

Ok, got a bit more info out the agency this afternoon :unamused: . Rate equates to £9.50 per hour (no time and a half) with Sundays paid at £15-00 :open_mouth: :grimacing:. I’m going to see if I can get some work out of this one then :wink:. I know the Samworth boys were paid on a profit share scheme. As far as I’ve heard it’s a good little number to be on on agency, so you’ve confirmed what the jungle drums have been saying. Thanks all :wink: .

Typical, Samworths have just had a major problem in the warehouse so have cancelled all their drivers for Sunday, so I’m doing Monday to Friday This week :unamused: . 'Suppose it means I can go for some wine now then :wink: .

i did some work for them about 5 years ago, spot on with the kit, very polite but they tend to treat agency drivers like they have their brains in a box on the shelf at home, they seemed to go over everything about half a dozen times and kept making you repeat what they said.
they do all the major retail outlets and may just start you on a rigid the first couple of days.
they won’t tell you till you get there and are prone to changing their minds at the very last minute.
the drivers are a bit reserved about the agency drivers too, don’t seem to want to offer you too much help etc but they do speak to you.

the drivers are a bit reserved about the agency drivers too, don’t seem to want to offer you too much help etc but they do speak to you.

This is a real shame when this happens, at the end of the day everyone is there to do a days work and earn a days pay, don’t need all that ‘them and us’ attitude :angry:

Hope they treat you well pal, if not sod 'em, at least you’re earning a decent wedge :smiley:

As far as it’s gone they seem a pretty reasonable bunch (prone to cancelling at the last munite :unamused: , but that’s another post). Bar two who I’ve had a barny with and told 'em they were up their own rear end :laughing: in front of all their mates :wink: .