Samworth brothers

I have just passed cm Class c+e and met the agency guy at Samworth Brothers in Leicester to discuss their academy for new drivers. Really good and getting more popular. I then called another agency to get comparison what it would be like and they don’t have anythiing like the academy to give newbies expereince. Starting late March with the agency at Samworth Brothers and I simply can’t wait…it’s what I have been aiming for also…as my missus works for them in the food factories and get’s pai really well for what she does and just got a really good bonus

sorry double posted by error

Space1999-loved it as a kid. Martin Landau if im not mistaken. And that woman who could turn into a tigress etc.

This is the only company on here that ive seen get good reviews! If only i lived closer :imp:

Hi all does anyone on this forum no much on samworth brothers ie pay, work benefits, and wat the job entails thanks johny

They have a depot not far from me and I’ve never seen them advertise so that cannot be that bad.

Who was the nice girl who was a regular on here, didn’t she do a turn for them? :wink:

Ginsters lol

A few years ago there was an article in one of the truck mags about Samworths, what always stuck in my mind was the fact that behind the clock in the drivers changing room/rest room was a microphone and a tiny camera recording everything that there drivers said. Apparently this came to light when one of the drivers was disciplined for something that had been said in the rest room.Assume that things have altered abit since then but if that`s how management treat there staff then it aint for me.

Not sure if there was any truth in it but I was once told that the owners of Samworths have a Religious background. Quackers or something along those lines. I know a couple of people who work for them and are quite satisfied. Reasonable money. Newish kit, although some of the trailers have seen better days, in terms of age.

I think it tends to be regular runs, day after day, year after year, which would bore me brainless, :unamused: but, for anyone who likes that sort of thing, there is little stress and, a Final Salary Pension Scheme, a fast disappearing factor, although I have heard that the Employer’s contribution, %age wise, is to be increased slightly, but still worthwhile.

My impression is that it is very much a “Yes Sir, No Sir” type of company where, everything is done legal, and a necktie is obligatory. A modern day version of Orwell’s Oceania.


SAMWORTH ACADEMY LEICESTER - yup, it is the same Samworth

A few years ago there was an article in one of the truck mags about Samworths, what always stuck in my mind was the fact that behind the clock in the drivers changing room/rest room was a microphone and a tiny camera recording everything that there drivers said. Apparently this came to light when one of the drivers was disciplined for something that had been said in the rest room.Assume that things have altered abit since then but if that`s how management treat there staff then it aint for me.

This is true as my sisters ex found it and showed me the pics :open_mouth:

Also I used to do runs on agency for them

Old Iveco turbo star … no limiter :wink:

Or old transit van in shape of vintage delivery vehicle :grimacing: :imp:

Hi mate I work for Samworth Brothers in Leicester and have for past six years cannot fault them. They have three depots Leicester,Callington and Bristol. Good clean work and motors with no nights out. Pay is well above average with a night rate and sat/sun rates and one of the only companies that I know of :smiley: that give you a Christmas dinner to take home and a bonus every year also still have a company pension. Ginsters is only a small part of the business. mostly rdc work for all the supermarkets as we make and deliver our own produce. Any more questions just PM me.

. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Welcome bigfattrucker68 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: .
You from my neck of the woods?

Forum with some useful stuff and Forum for questions on drivers hours

I’ve only ever heard good stuff about them.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

‘…Quackers or something…’

Big Respect - and mental note to self that the fluffy yellow chicken puppet of the late Ray Alan (RIP), and hitherto cohort to ‘…silly-arse…’ Titch, grew up to be a logistician.

‘…I work for Samworth Brothers in Leicester and … cannot fault them. …’

Good for you, matey and I can see why - especially with their tidy fleet always being well presented in the yards I see them in: It’s possibly about staying real and putting old fashioned respect into pratice(?)

PS. Are any fleet employer or similar exec’s reading this likely to put two & two together that drivers are simple folk and often effectively satisfied by simple measures - without turning it into a cost-slashing or an abusive, nonsensical & simultaneously ■■■■-licky KPI factor, etc? I’m truly chuffed for you, bft68.