

Most phones come with headphones…if not they are cheap eniugh on ebay ffs!

What makes me laugh us when people have them on loud speaker but then hold it up near their mouth, ffs they really are stupid, they may aswell.hold it to their heads.

Oh and i agree he got what he deserves

Any wired headphone kit for a phone is illegal to use for two reasons.

One it’s in contact with the phone therefore not making it hands free.

Two wearing two earphones is illegal and it makes it harder to hear outside noises.

Both could get you a ticket.

It is not actually illegal to use headphones, just advisable not to. Its only same as having a bluetooth earpiece in yer lug hole.

Also if the phone is voice activated then its only the same as talking to a handsfree device to make a call.



Most phones come with headphones…if not they are cheap eniugh on ebay ffs!

What makes me laugh us when people have them on loud speaker but then hold it up near their mouth, ffs they really are stupid, they may aswell.hold it to their heads.

Oh and i agree he got what he deserves

Any wired headphone kit for a phone is illegal to use for two reasons.

One it’s in contact with the phone therefore not making it hands free.

Two wearing two earphones is illegal and it makes it harder to hear outside noises.

Both could get you a ticket.

It is not actually illegal to use headphones, just advisable not to. Its only same as having a bluetooth earpiece in yer lug hole.

Also if the phone is voice activated then its only the same as talking to a handsfree device to make a call.

Yes as I posted above it’s not technically illegal but you can be done for it. Having one ear piece in isn’t that same as having two earpieces in though by a long shot.

tommy t:
I hope it wasn’t the company he worked for ringing him if it was they should provide a proper hands-free kit

Even if it was the company ringing him and they didn’t provide a hand free kit, it is his responsibility to stop at a safe place and calm them back. You can’t shift the blame for him being a ■■■■ onto the company.

You don’t have to answer the phone to your company at all whilst driving even if they provide hands free. And there is jack all they can do about it. You are entitled to ring them when you can safely stop or at your next stop.
Most companies nowadays have a phone policy in place. So at the worst you can answer and say I’m driving ill call you back when I can stop or get to my next drop and end the call.

IT cracks me up when people hide their phones at night and don’t realise that a 7in screen might aswel be a 50in flat screen tv

IT cracks me up when people hide their phones at night and don’t realise that a 7in screen might aswel be a 50in flat screen tv

or a 1000w flood light :wink:

No sympathy for stupidity.



blue estate:

Surely he can’t just be sacked on the spot though? Is there no disciplinary procedure to go through even though in the end it’ll be the same result in the end?

Gross misconduct clear cut

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah of course but still I guess it depends on the DP process.

I know of blokes at my old place where it clear cut and you know it’s a sacking but they still had yo be suspended, investigated, interviewed etc etc

I dont doubt at all the truth of what you say. But why dont those guys just get out and find another job? (Rhetorical question). They must know theyre just wasting everyones time and money? Including their own. Probably another aspect of their “it won`t happen to me” attitude to life.

In fairness that’s what most have done that have been in that situation - they end up resigning with immediate effect kind of thing

What a wonderful country this place is becoming. No need for police anymore, let’s just inform on each other :unamused:

Beaver mate, I’ll agree with many things you post, but when it comes to phones behind the wheel I would grass anyone up. I think, this time, you’re a bit of ■■■■ with your post.
It’s a truly selfish and dangerous thing to do and it’s always done by choice,a very very selfish choice and I rate it the same as drink driving, I hope you wouldn’t put the same post up for that?
Or is there “acceptable grassing”…


Surely he can’t just be sacked on the spot though? Is there no disciplinary procedure to go through even though in the end it’ll be the same result in the end?

Yes he can,anything the company deem to be gross misconduct ie putting themselves or members of the public at risk can Be punishable by instant dismissal.

How do they “deem it” without an investigation? Your place sounds like they are asking to be taken to a tribunal.

I agree it was totally stupid and he deserves the sack, however due process should always be followed. Usually telling him your going to be sacked, would you like to resign first is enough. Can’t appeal/go to tribunal after resigning.

I find it fascinating how successful the enforcement agencies have been at getting people to put using a phone while driving into the same outrage bracket as drink driving. It’s been a very successful campaign.

This is just an observation, nothing more.

What a wonderful country this place is becoming. No need for police anymore, let’s just inform on each other :unamused:

Well Cavey has certainly excelled here, it was probably him who sent the photo in fearing for everyone’s life!!


What a wonderful country this place is becoming. No need for police anymore, let’s just inform on each other :unamused:

Beaver mate, I’ll agree with many things you post, but when it comes to phones behind the wheel I would grass anyone up. I think, this time, you’re a bit of ■■■■ with your post.
It’s a truly selfish and dangerous thing to do and it’s always done by choice,a very very selfish choice and I rate it the same as drink driving, I hope you wouldn’t put the same post up for that?
Or is there “acceptable grassing”…

Totally agree mate. An LGV driver with their phone to the ear is a good visual representation of the typically ’ thick ’ lorry driver of today. It is without doubt unacceptable.

What ■■■■■■ me off though is the culture of Doris and Bob in their Volvo 740 estate full of discounted plants from the local garden centre policing the roads. Then we have the spineless large corporate logistics crew covering their arse and protecting shareholders share prices and no doubt grovelling to Bob and Doris and apologising.

Why didn’t this driver get a final written warning? That would be enough of a mind concentrating shove :neutral_face:
And if this employer is so desperately concerned, surely they would forward the footage to the police? But they won’t, because truth be told, they just don’t want any kind of association with bad press. It’s just indicative of the false and nauseating way that companies deal with things nowadays :frowning: And as for the sad pricks that self police our roads, they make me sick :imp:

I find it fascinating how successful the enforcement agencies have been at getting people to put using a phone while driving into the same outrage bracket as drink driving. It’s been a very successful campaign.

This is just an observation, nothing more.

Thing is you can drip feed the public any old thing (or crap) in a brainwash style, and many will believe it.

I agree with Maoster, the guy deserves it, if only for the reason that everybody and their Dad knows the Police are ■■■■ hot on this, and there is no excuse for not having some kind of hands free kit these days.

On the other hand, is it as dangerous as we are led to believe in real terms.

When (cab) phones first came out it was the done thing to hold them, then one day it was deemed safe (the day before the law changed) the next day as if by a miracle, it wasn’t. :bulb:

Any point can be ‘‘proven’’ by statistics and examples if that is the agenda. :bulb:

Sacking him is a bit strong, he ain’t a murderer for gods sake, yeah I know it is not big and clever, 2 weeks suspension, final warning etc. You see a lot worse on the roads day in day out doing a lot more dangerous than talking on the phone on the motorway. Folks in glass houses should not throw stones, bet all the posters have talked on the phone and done some dumb things just as “dangerous”. My way of thinking it ain’t to bad talking on the phone it is the idiots texting and doing the social media stuff, now that is really dangerous.

It all comes back to the one size fits all unisex, or these days no ■■■, default setting, because half wits who can’t drive anyway drive even stupider (if that were possible) when using a phone, so lowest common denominator rules must apply to everyone…this ethos started in schools with all must have prizes and has spread like a cancer.

You can see from the replies in this thread that the indoctrination is working well :unamused:

Yes the bloke was an idiot, why in all the name of that is Holy would you hold a phone up to the driver’s window (according to how i understand the circs), if you had to speak a few words on a hand held mobile you’d at least tuck it in yer left shell like, and pull the curtain round a bit to hide what you were doing.
Nuns carrying baskets of multi gendered kittens lying splattered all over the road? thought not.

edit, just told my mrs about this thread.
She hopes whoever took the pic and sent it in, if its a he that his knob drops off, if its a she that her mammaries shrivel up and fall off :open_mouth:

I find it fascinating how successful the enforcement agencies have been at getting people to put using a phone while driving into the same outrage bracket as drink driving. It’s been a very successful campaign.

This is just an observation, nothing more.

Yes, this is true, but there are so many double standards. The company I am working for have a very strict mobile phone policy, yet they still send me text messages which they obviously expect me to open and read before I get to my destination, e.g. to divert me.

Obviously I still drive to my intended destination before I open and read the message, and this wastes a couple of hours of company time, but as I’m hourly paid then it just means more money in the bank for me.

What a ridiculous and divided bunch we are now :frowning: We have drivers who will work for peanuts in order to get a shiny truck. Some pricks on here want to film forkies so that they won’t damage said bosses wagon.

We have drivers on here who burst into tears because others have divulged their favourite free parking places.

We have drivers who go slashing other drivers curtains because they had to suffer the indignity of having a reefer turned off. We have drivers who grass each other up. We have drivers who themselves at one time or another have used a mobile themselves or done some other illegal activity, who think it’s acceptable for members of the public to deprive a fellow driver of their income.

And on top of all the above, we also have drivers that ■■■■ all over parking area’s, throw rubbish & ■■■■ bottles out of the window, ruin every bit of grass verge within sight, tailgate every vehicle possible, and drive drunk.


Picture probley took with phone whilst driving

Well I have said it before and will say it again, beaver you are so UKT, if you carry on your gonna get a few of my fan club members :smiley:

Well I have said it before and will say it again, beaver you are so UKT, if you carry on your gonna get a few of my fan club members :smiley:

Just ■■■■■■ off with all this nonsense mate. We are vilified by many sections of society as it is, so what do we do?

We CHOOSE to go onto an internet forum ’ By truckers FOR truckers ’ and then TURN ON EACH OTHER like the perceived brainless moronic steering wheel attendants that we actually are in the most part :unamused:

Dropped the trailer on it’s knees? No problem, I will go and distract X and Y, you go and grab the FLT and quickly get Z to wind the legs.

No no no. Let’s grass him up instead :neutral_face: One of your fellow drivers cheating the time sheets and getting more dough than you? Good on them :wink: No no no. Let’s grass him up instead.


