Russian road rage

Audi drivers the same the world over :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Don’t we all dream of doing that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Don’t we all dream of doing that :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Yeah and knocking the â– â– â– â– â– â–  on his â– â– â– !!

Haha got his just deserts, he actually looks shocked.

About bloody time. I had a C63AMG brake testing me last week, couldn’t believe it, his brakes are FAR better than a loaded truck, and the fact I didn’t hit him shows I wasn’t too close or anything like that, I was passing other vehicles on a dual carriageway, looked in nearside mirror to see if I was clear then red lights caught my eye so I braked.
Ended up blocking him on approach to a roundabout and having a quick word about his stupidity :smiling_imp:

Haha got his just deserts, he actually looks shocked.

Yea, I also noticed that the ‘finger waving’ stopped after he’d been rear ended!!! ■■■■■■!!!


About bloody time. I had a C63AMG brake testing me last week, couldn’t believe it, his brakes are FAR better than a loaded truck, and the fact I didn’t hit him shows I wasn’t too close or anything like that, I was passing other vehicles on a dual carriageway, looked in nearside mirror to see if I was clear then red lights caught my eye so I braked.
Ended up blocking him on approach to a roundabout and having a quick word about his stupidity :smiling_imp:

all the more reason for front facing camera.
These things can be invaluable.
If someone brake tests you and you hit them, usually it’s your fault automatically.
If it’s recorded, and you can see the car in front deliberately anchored up in front of you, then it’s his fault.

Ok in this vid it’s a bad example, as the truck slowed down without hitting the car, then pulled into it.
But… If he had just hit it the first time he braked, there’s no argument.
The car pulled in front of him, cutting his safety gap/braking distance short and anchored up in front.
I can’t see a court going in favour of the car in this case.


About bloody time. I had a C63AMG brake testing me last week, couldn’t believe it, his brakes are FAR better than a loaded truck, and the fact I didn’t hit him shows I wasn’t too close or anything like that, I was passing other vehicles on a dual carriageway, looked in nearside mirror to see if I was clear then red lights caught my eye so I braked.
Ended up blocking him on approach to a roundabout and having a quick word about his stupidity :smiling_imp:

all the more reason for front facing camera.
These things can be invaluable.
If someone brake tests you and you hit them, usually it’s your fault automatically.
If it’s recorded, and you can see the car in front deliberately anchored up in front of you, then it’s his fault.

Ok in this vid it’s a bad example, as the truck slowed down without hitting the car, then pulled into it.
But… If he had just hit it the first time he braked, there’s no argument.
The car pulled in front of him, cutting his safety gap/braking distance short and anchored up in front.
I can’t see a court going in favour of the car in this case.

I’ve got a camera but the quality isn’t very good and I’m trialing an app on the android phone called Daily Roads Voyager which seems excellent but I’ve not got a screen mount yet.
I’ll post a sample video up later, got it set in 720 even though phone does 1080 as does the app, but there’s not much reason for that sort of quality.
I find that cars look closer in the vid, but other than that, it stores GPS location, speed, G-forces etc.

I seem to get people doing this to me fairly regularly and have thought about buying a dash-cam in order to record it just in case they brake that bit too hard and I can’t stop in time.

My question is; suppose you have filmed this sort of behaviour but contact isn’t actually made and they drive off - would the police be interested in the footage? Is there grounds for prosecuting a driver for doing this? I’m sure most of us would agree that it’s dangerous driving but would the authorities be bothered or show little interest unless an actual accident had occurred?

I seem to get people doing this to me fairly regularly.

Not having a pop at you or your driving style Mike, but I do about 100k miles a year and have never been brake checked in my whole driving career.

I sometimes travel with a mate who is technically a very advanced driver (ex plod class one traffic) but what makes him a bad driver is his aggressiveness. If he catches someone driving slower than him he’s up their bumper gesticulating wildly and shouting and swearing at them. He then calls them when they tap their brake lights at him!

I honestly cringe with shame when I’m sat in his car with him

We’ve all been annoyed at some berk in front and felt like tail-gating them, but all it achieves is making them drive slower and therefore you too.

Badly planned overtakes is another one, how many times have you been following a truck gradually catching a slower one with nothing approaching from behind apart from one fast moving car only to see the truck pull out causing the car to brake heavily?

All the truck driver had to do was ease off for half a second, let the car pass and then overtake slower truck. But we all know this don’t we, being pro’s and all. :smiley:

I’m not an aggressive driver at all - I carry around some pretty nasty gases which have the potential to kill me and lots of other people in an accident so I can’t afford to be. I have to leave big gaps and drive very defensively, it goes with the job.

Unfortunately if you regularly drive some of our busiest roads in rush hour then it’s inevitable that some people will think that you’ve held them up during a normal overtake or have cut them up when you pulled onto that totally clear roundabout that they then decided to fly around. Anyway, I’m not here to defend my driving style; if I was a bad or discourteous driver then I wouldn’t be looking to fit a dash-cam, would I? I was just wondering about whether such behaviour from a car driver would be grounds for prosecution / a talking to. I’m sure if they pulled this sort of stunt in front of an unmarked car they’d be pulled straight over…