M&C Jamie:
In the real world of Russia. There are no freephones and the recovery teams can take day’s or sometimes weeks to arrive.
Why not years? 
In Real Russia there are recovery companies as they are in UK. Off course, this is much bigger country and much poorer, so due to that not much people are willing to pay for it, this recovery companies are not popular and have not much vans of the roads. But I can assure you that russian equivalent of RAC is operating in the most congested area (My friend travels often to Moscow for business and he has an assistance with Polish company, and it covers him for the russian RAC as well).
But that is not the only option, as there is for sure some local garage in every village, often with recovery services, they are just not often part of any network. So what you need, you need speak russian, find the local yellow pages and call one of them, and they will answer your call pretty quick.
Some of the bigger companies also will have their own service vans (which off course do not apply to foreingers).
Russia is not really as wild country as some of you seem to think. I think the major problem why the quick response recovery services are not as needed as they are in UK is that people are better in dealing with the problems itself - they are used to drive old, dodgy vehicles and they are used to harsh winters.
When I was younger, I was walking to my Polish high school across the Bus depot (illegal, but shorter way) and I was observing drivers burning fires under the bus tanks to make them running in the winter. If that would be Britain, I would be able to observe bunch of panicked bus drivers demanding cancelation of the bus service while service vans were stuck in the snow, trying to drive on their summer tyres. Off course I will not be able to watch this on my way to school, as all the school would be closed 
So if in Russia some things are different than there is in UK, it not necessarly means that its worse.
Btw: I saw in Scottish news recently that there was “12 000 winter related breakdowns”. I am from Poland, we have much harsher winters and I never heard about any “winter related breakdown”. Only thing I can think of is the case when you can’t start your car due to poor battery - but I would rather call it “poor maintentance related breakdown”