Running out of time advice please

Morning all,

After a bit of advice please. A driver has run out of time whilst tipping in our yard. He’s pulled off the bay into a parking bay and shut his curtains. Does this require the use of pink chalk?

Also, we’re not too sure of our pink chalk levels, is it acceptable to substitute blue chalk?


Sorry you’re gonna have to send out for pink chalk, no exceptions. Have you taken his breakfast order?

make sure he doesn’t trip over any blue bollards

AFAIK blue chalk can ONLY be used to designate a weekly rest period.
To use it for signifying DAILY rest is a crime against humanity and is punishable by death or worse.
Plus, one little known ruling (honest MMTM) is that all vehicles operating within 100 yds must maintain a noise level of less than 60 db whilst the chalk is there.
I assume that you are using “waterproof” chalk in case of rain?

Have you also ensured that the police have attended and also placed their own chalk next to the pink chalk marks?

And I hope you’ve cordoned off the entire industrial estate and the two streets either side. Also hse requires you to provide wind breakers on all sides for it to be classed as an official break, or he’s perfectly entitled to start his 11 hrs again if the wind wakes him up ten mins early :laughing:

Morning all,After a bit of advice please. A driver has run out of time whilst tipping in our yard. He’s pulled off the bay into a parking bay and shut his curtains. Does this require the use of pink chalk? Also, we’re not too sure of our pink chalk levels, is it acceptable to substitute blue chalk? Cheers

hang fire! :laughing: I’ve got a direct line to special forces flight 5 at odiham :sunglasses: a chinook is on it’s way north :smiley: please don’t move an inch or wake the driver up at all! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Haha, is that the yellow merc parked opposite the RSU?

Don’t forget to corden off the bays/spaces on each side.

Some blokes with black rectangles over their eyes are stood around the truck making sure no one goes near it.

Haha, is that the yellow merc parked opposite the RSU?

Don’t forget to corden off the bays/spaces on each side.

Wouldn’t exactly call it ‘parked’… Abandoned is slightly more accurate :slight_smile:

quick call vosa, elf n safety and the duke blimey wats this place become, only another 30years to go if im unlucky

quick call vosa, elf n safety and the duke blimey wats this place become, only another 30years to go if im unlucky

Excellent. Thanks for the clarification.