rules.for one

but not another.

just a general question re the rules.

NB. If we have reason to believe that a suspended or banned member is posting under another username, that username will be permanently banned without warning, and an e-mail sent with the reason why. In this situation, the burden of proof is on the member to prove that they are not suspended or banned…not on us to prove that they are. We will, of course, make every effort to ensure that mistakes are not made, but ultimately the interests of the overall community must be protected above those of any individual

does this not apply to all?

thanks in advance for a reply.

I believe that the IP signature can be traced by site admin type people who post so using a different username will still have the same sender IP signature on it. I also believe that some computer boffs have progammes that can identify a “style” of a persons posting.

I could be wrong…

I believe ROG is right :slight_smile:

I also believe that some folks are clever enough to mask their IP when sending posts via this website on an alternative username to make it extremely difficult to identify them,

Others not quite so clever :wink: :wink: :wink:

I believe ROG is right :slight_smile:

I also believe that some folks are clever enough to mask their IP when sending posts via this website on an alternative username to make it extremely difficult to identify them,

Others not quite so clever :wink: :wink: :wink:

Really :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Set up about 10 log ons for all the forums you use that way you can just keep logging in again and again and again and again, also use a mobile phone to log on with a different i.p. address and use the works computer as well, internet cafes etc etc.


Set up about 10 log ons for all the forums you use that way you can just keep logging in again and again and again and again, also use a mobile phone to log on with a different i.p. address and use the works computer as well, internet cafes etc etc.

1.Dont break the rules of the forums you use
2. Dont ignore the friendly warning
3. Dont ignore the formal warnings
4. Dont agree to keep to the rules when suspended, then when your posting rights restored break the rules again.

then you wont need to mess about with the above :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:


Don’t send out PMs to people saying you’re aware that banned members are back posting on the forums and you don’t intend doing anything to stop them, coz it comes back to bite you on the ■■■ at a later date !

So Rikki, why are you continuing to let banned member Vince post on the forums under alias *****(which you’ve admitted in a PM you are aware of) but not other banned members?

Post edited to remove name of member- Rikki

So you have access to my PM’s do you?

If so then send me a copy of it of this PM I am supposed to have sent just to refresh my memory :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :open_mouth:

If you dont then stop stirring trouble,

as I have said many times before…
If you dont like this website and the way it is run, then go elsewhere, (some of you have your own drivers forums to use :wink: :wink: :wink: ) no-one is forcing you to come here, But some do time and time again simply because they enjoy trouble making,

I have removed the parts in your post that name other members , as any actions betwen the Admin Team and members, are private.

And if you have access to my PM’s you will also have access to any that I may have sent to other people…

Including those that MAY have been to and from a previously banned member regarding their future behaviour as stated in the rules… But as you have access to my PM’s you will know that already wouldnt you :wink: :wink:

One other point,
There are a number of members who have been accused of being banned members posting under alias’s , sometimes incorrectly, in a few cases because they have not continued to break the rules or do little on the website except stir up trouble we havent bothered too look too closely at those accounts, people posting in this thread are included in that. We have tried to give many people as much leeway as possible to continue to use the website as it is intended.
Some people can not be helped though and cannot resist being disruptive, those people will continue to have their posting privelages removed if they break the rules.

yes,all well and good.

but you never answered the question


come on man lets have some consistency here not some old pals act.

rules are all well and good but it should be the same for all.

and dont give me that spamming crap…i,m answering a topic.

I have answered Terry…
:wink: :wink: :wink:

Shout all you want, and rabble raise all you want, you have had your answers, its up to you wether you accept them.

Those usernames that were banned are still banned, and will remain so… as will others who continue to break the rules and try to disrupt this website in the future.

At the end of the day it is not any business of anyone else except those banned or suspended what actions we do or do not take against them. We certainly will not disclose to you or anyone else what information we have on another member, or what discussions may have taken place between them

Those members who use this website for the intention it was set up for (discussions among professional drivers and our industry) can continue to do so.

Take note of this passge:

Any actions taken against a member breaking or rules on TruckNet UK, and any discussions that may have occurred between those members are private between the Admin team and the member concerned, as such we will not disclose any details of those actions/discussions.

You will probably being seeing it quite a lot on your posts in the future. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dont like it Terry, then go play on your website and dont bother coming here, no-ones forcing you too. ! :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

nah think i,ll stay round here.

thanks anyway trikki.

I agree.

why is it that some people love stirring
it,Iwish that those who induldge is these type of
idotic behaviour,would just grow up,WE have here
the best site which allows all those who particapate
to reap the rich harvest of information that is posted
on the site,IF you are one of these who being
jelaous of the achivements which this site and its
Foundersand the members have made here then
leave ,if you wish to stay then, keep to the rules
and do not break them and then not expect to
not be found out and the appropiate action carried out
when they catch you out,

thanks for that drivvel pete.i,ll bear it in mind in the future. :sunglasses:

That certainly sums the situation up pete ,well said,used to have similar trouble in the days of CB,"Children "playing music ,now they send posts.
regards derek

Dont like it Terry, then go play on your website and dont bother coming here, no-ones forcing you too.


Why Alex? Are you about to hit someone? :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ok i give up after reading this thread i give admin my vote even if they do think my language is a bit colourful sometimes :laughing: