Ruby the Parrot

Could believe Rikki getting all hot and bothered over a parrot , but not you Dave :unamused: FFS lighten up , it’s a bird that has been on Youtube for years , get over yourselves :exclamation:

I thought it was a tad OTT as well. It’s a bit of fun that’s sadly missing lately.

This post has been removed because of the language used in it.

Videos and pictures are subject to the same rules as the written word. (Forum Rule #3)

flat to the mat:
Could believe Rikki getting all hot and bothered over a parrot , but not you Dave :unamused: FFS lighten up , it’s a bird that has been on Youtube for years , get over yourselves :exclamation:

What difference does the length of time that the parrot has been on YouTube make?

FYI, I’ve got nothing against YouTube and I’ve got nothing against parrots.

The language used is the issue because it’s against forum rules.