Rubber neckers fault or truck drivers fault?

this is what happens when your not paying attention

looks horrific but thankfully not a fatal one

truckers fault

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

More excellent examples of truckers with ■■■■ for brains. :unamused: That Glaxo driver should have been banned for life.

defo trucker… he saw the flashing blues and ambers, should have seen the cars even infront of the 2 that breaked sharply slowing down ( i did on a small black & white movie ) so no excuse…

ban the ■■■■■

trucker at fault 100%

Open and shut case as far as I can see. “Trucker’s” fault.

He doesn’t seem to brake until after he’s hit the car!!

At the end of that part of the video what does the guy say as he looks inside the car?

R u alreight luv? springs to mind.


rubber neckers fault or truck drivers fault?

They were ALL rubber neckers, including the truck driver. Thats why he didn’t see those two stopped cars in time. IMHO.
As far as I could see, he wasn’t going particularly fast, he just didn’t hit the brakes early enough. Probably due to looking at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Stanley Knife:
At the end of that part of the video what does the guy say as he looks inside the car?

R u alreight luv? springs to mind.



Truckers fault.

Definitely the truckers fault :imp:

Wonder if the Glaxo driver was on drugs, or just hauling them :laughing:

Most dangerous place to be on a motorway ? usually , at/near the back end of a queue , i always have 1 eye in the mirror and a twitchy ■■■ until i’ve got a nice protective cushion behind me, preferably an lgv or 2. OOh and i always try and leave a bit of a gap in front to move into if it’s getting hairy or someone decides to come at you across the barrier.

Is that paranoia :blush: , or have i just seen it happen too often and the consequences.

Paranoia ? Maybe .

I,ve seen a crash nearly every night for the past two weeks and two of them fatal , my number must be coming up soon :laughing:

Trucks fault but the rest of em’ seemed to be daydreaming. People love slowing to gawk at an accident or anything that features flashing orange or blue lights. :unamused: :unamused: No way of stopping it though, unfortunately. :imp:

that driver was defo in a world of his own imo he didnt even attemt to brake or swerve.this video should also be shown be to the general car driving public then they might understand what can happen when they cut in and brake at last minute to exit a motorway junction

Trucks fault but the rest of em’ seemed to be daydreaming. People love slowing to gawk at an accident or anything that features flashing orange or blue lights. :unamused: :unamused: No way of stopping it though, unfortunately. :imp:

Snipers :stuck_out_tongue: