Having been away from driving for a number of years I am now returning to it and, while I understand the drivers hours rules, I am having trouble getting my head around the RT(WT)R rules. As I understand it, according to the RT(WT)R rules, our total working hours should not exceed an average of 48 hours over a given reference period. And no more than 60 hours in any single week.
Given that the average working week for a driver could easily surpass 60 hours combined driving/other work, which I am sure it often does for many here, I was wondering if these rules are strictly enforced/adhered to or if they are they being ignored to some extent? Furthermore, what are the likely repercussions for those choosing to ignore the rules? How are those that are maxing their cards every week managing to do so?
Not trying to open up a can of worms here but would appreciate some clarification regarding the above if possible as I may be about to get a start with a company that has stated that the average working week will likely be around 60 hours.