Route opinions

Got two drops tomorrow. Saffron Waldron and just outside Portsmouth. Running from south lincs.

No set time for delivery. Back doors open at 8.30am. Can’t make my mind up whether to go at silly o’clock and get to Portsmouth first for opening and hopefully miss most of the M25 nonsense then come back whichever way on the M25 that is least busy. Or go to Saffron first for open times and then meander down to Portsmouth and back.


where’s your back load ?
bearing in mind that they may say no back load till something pops up and needs collecting

I’d get to Saffron Walden for opening time then time you get to M25 it’ll probably be after morning rush hour so might not be too bad. Then over Dartford crossing down A3. Pointless lugging Waldens load all the way down to Portsmouth then back up.

Unless your only return load is from Saffron Walden, do that drop first, then Portsmouth. That way you’ll be running lighter more of the time, saving fuel and possibly reducing the journey time.

nearest first

It’s ok didn’t realise its only a 7.5tonner and its putting some mistakes right that transport have cocked up. Easy day. Make a change.