Well I’ll kick the thread off as I am still “alive and kicking” which unfortunately cannot be said of a number of well respected and knowledgeable former members now deceased So it would be interesting to see how long this thread will continue, a bit like a “who’s who” on the thread ! So fire away Lads! Who knows it may “run and run” like the Big J thread, and be more interesting !
Cheers Bewick.
I don’t know if I count as long standing , I joined in 2010 .Like to chip in with the threads whenever there is something worth saying but I never had photos to contribute ( even if I could ) , but I enjoy the craic and reading of other drivers exploits . I’ve never met most of you , but I feel as if I know many of you . Dave
Well I joined May 2011, And I must say that I enjoy the photos & the banter, & I do hope that this thread continues forever, Or is this asking too much, Well we will give it a go anyway wont we, Us old wagon men IMO, Are second to none, Regards Larry.
This forum had a totally different format then though. This part was a sub section of a larger over all website. Still the best site on the internet.
2005 - Still the best site going but can’t believe how much it’s changed.
Quite often wonder where some of the old regulars are and what they are up to.
Hiya ,I s’pose I’m in this gang…still look in everyday and post when I can…Cheers Bubbs,
Well I’ll kick the thread off as I am still “alive and kicking”
Even when that is often kicking me.
Here Sir, All present & Correct as far as I can remember…
I joined 2009 I found the site by chance and recognised one or two members ( eg Tipit I worked with his Dad in the 60s). Like Rigsby I like to contribute to threads when I can and also add a few pics now and then.This thread may just bring some members who haven’t contributed for a while back on. Long may it continue. Cheers John.
The Old Timers’ forum enjoys a rare, gentlemanly exchange of views rarely found on any other forums. There still exists an old fashioned mutual respect on here which is realistic - that is to say, we can give and take and josh each other but still agree to differ without behaving like the brain-dead trolls on pond-life forums.
Like many others, I followed the threads of this particular forum for a long time before I deigned to register and join in. I joined relatively late (in 2012) but my combined identities have clocked up over eight and a half thousand posts and I have contributed countless pictures (and enjoyed an equal number of other contributors’ photos).
I know many of the posters on here in person. As a retired old git, I have to say that this forum brings me much pleasure each day. Long may it continue! I only hope that not too many folk abandon us for Arseache or similar social media networks!
Joined in 2008…,
Hi all,
Found trucknet around 10 years ago.been on here since and as everyone has already said,it is the best.
Regards andrew.
Joined March 2012. Look in most days and enjoy the threads and banter.
2007 for me ,its a bit difficult to post cause o the time difference and the bad interweb connection where we usually are camped(if I had to guess the big boss picks a field where there is no /connection so his workers wont spend all day on the web/phone).try to post photos on the thread I started last year but its the same auld same auld every day so tae speak but gives folks a look at highway maintenance out in the sticks …
I’ve been here a bit, I’m not old enough to have done ME runs, never even sat in a Borderer let alone driven one, oh and I don’t smell of stale pee and fixident either.
Not sure I qualify as a valuable contributor either, I’m more like the filler between the knowledgeable and the numpties…
I’ve been here since March 2011 and all ways read everything. It is the best.
Still lurking, joined Sat Oct 25, 2003 9:05 am
How time flies joined March 2006 !
Hi boys
Joined Feb 2009 after lurking for a few years finally dipped my toe in the water
regards Keith