Hello there, everyone,
I stumbled across your site last night, into this thread, whilst looking for more info about Rolf. You are correct, there is NO evidence whatsoever to place Rolf Harris in the Leigh Park Community Centre. Sadly, because two people said they vaguely remembered him as ‘being in the area’ this witness was allowed to come to Trial. You can read more about this here, and please read the words of Det. Sgt, Gary Pankhurst too: 3news.co.nz/No-proof-Harris- … fault.aspx
I need The UK Truckers to start standing up for Rolf Harris, to spread the word on your radios, on your messageboards, because something is very, VERY wrong here! We need a FREE ROLF HARRIS! campaign, on a MEGA scale. Here is my FB page where you can read more about my feelings on this, to me, terrible Miscarriage of Justice, should you want to: facebook.com/lizzie.cornish
This has been posted today, on Facebook from an old friend of Rolf’s, Chris Bosnan: facebook.com/chris.b.brosnan
"For those of you out there who know me well, I thought you may be interested in reading the below article, it pretty much sums up my feelings just now and now is not the time for silence, I have a voice and a good heart that needs to be heard.
I know this as fact; Rolf Harris has been my close friend for over 17 years, in that time I have presented with, and supported him in literally hundreds of “gigs”, I have seen him sign autographs for literally thousands of people, of all ages and sexes. Never once, NOT ONCE, have I ever seen him abuse, or be inappropriate with ANYBODY and this is with me working closely with him, on stage, back stage, driving him, body guarding him, and sharing part of the same house with him for over 12 years.
Something in his recent “conviction” is very, very wrong. Rolf has, on legal advice, kept a dignified silence. His trial was supposed to present evidence to convict, “Beyond reasonable doubt.” Well, sorry, there was so much “reasonable doubt” that the case should have been thrown out before it even started. The Judge in his summing up was no where near, “Impartial” and the media have done their best to bring on that “conviction” prior to the trial and needed a “soft target,” they got it in Rolf. A household name celebrity, loved by the people for being exactly who he is, a warm, open hearted, loving man. British justice has just left the building with this disgraceful verdict.
“The powers that be” have needed a “patsy” a “Scape goat” because of the debacle around Savile, (a total psychopath, ■■■■■■ predator) to put the spot light on some other poor soul to keep the “Sheeple” of the world appeased and in fear, while the real pedophiles of the UK go untouched and remain cloaked and protected by the insidious perversions of the very establishments that have just “convicted” my dear friend.
So that you know, Rolf has totally supported me, a ■■■■■■■■ abused, runaway kid, who had no real parents, no home and no sense of self worth until Rolf came in to my life. I will always love him very dearly and stand by him 100%.
To the justice system of the UK, shame on you, shame on you.
To Mr. Rolf Harris, you are my dear friend, I love you very much, I hold the vision of you safe return home ASAP to the arms of your beloved Alwen.
I say this in all truth.
Chris “Shining Bear” Brosnan
Please, if you care about real justice and support my words, please share this post, we can make a difference, if you feel not to, that’s ok, I understand."<<<<
libertarianview.co.uk/curren … able-doubt