Rog is a Specialist Contributor!

Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

scum :smiley:

Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

Experts !!!

Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

Well in the eyes and thoughts of Okey Didley Dokely
(see another post from the Glaswegian Numpty, re British Drivers :laughing: )

we’re all a bunch of tossers, but I don’t go with that
Rog excellent advisor with multitudes of advice . :slight_smile: He should change his name to

:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: THE ORACLE :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :wink:

pierrot 14:
He should change his name to

:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: THE ORACLE :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :wink:

with the exception of the tacho laws and WTD!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor!

and a fully paid up member of the picture police :wink:

Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

Specialist Contributor :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

When the [ZB] did that happen :question: :question: :question:

I’ve been posting this morning and until I saw this thread, I did not even notice :exclamation: :exclamation: - deffo not specialist observation then :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Site Admin :exclamation: - would have been nice if you had informed me :unamused: - now I’m going to get out my bulletproof attire for incoming flak :laughing: :laughing:

Specialist Contributor
I can see that our resident ADR GURU has one as well

with the exception of the tacho laws and WTD!!!


If my Specialist Contributor status is to stand then I hope the same courtesy will be afforded to others such as tachograph

Specialist Numpty
might be better :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

He’ll never get his through the door now!


If my Specialist Contributor status is to stand then I hope the same courtesy will be afforded to others such as tachograph

Thanks for the thought ROG, but no thanks :wink:

Its only because RBI wouldn’t allow the tag of “SMART ARSE” :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Its only because RBI wouldn’t allow the tag of “SMART ARSE” :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Cheers ROG :laughing:

I would use it but my sig would then be too big :frowning:

pierrot 14:

Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

Well in the eyes and thoughts of Okey Didley Dokely
(see another post from the Glaswegian Numpty, re British Drivers :laughing: )

we’re all a bunch of tossers, but I don’t go with that
Rog excellent advisor with multitudes of advice . :slight_smile: He should change his name to

:arrow_right: :arrow_right: :arrow_right: THE ORACLE :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: :sunglasses: :slight_smile: :sunglasses: :wink:

Get your facts right, you lot are the Numpties and I am not Glaswegian, I live in Edinburgh but suirprise, surprise, I’m English.

Okey-Didley-Dokely wrote:-

Get your facts right, you lot are the Numpties and I am not Glaswegian, I live in Edinburgh but suirprise, surprise, I’m English.

Hope you are not referring to everyone, when you say ‘you lot’?


Smart Mart:
Rog is a Specialist Contributor! - What does that make the rest of us?

Experts !!!

experts of using wikipedia… damm have i just blown some people cover :laughing: :laughing: :open_mouth: :exclamation: :question: oops, :wink:

Smart Mart:

Okey-Didley-Dokely wrote:-

Get your facts right, you lot are the Numpties and I am not Glaswegian, I live in Edinburgh but suirprise, surprise, I’m English.

Hope you are not referring to everyone, when you say ‘you lot’?

No just the majority :sunglasses:

id like to put myself forward as a “special"contributor,or otherwise commonly known as"you kin window licker”! :laughing:

Rog - Now to be known as TEACHERS PET :exclamation: :exclamation:
:laughing: :laughing:

RESOLVED :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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