Rob K's rant of the week : 2-lane slip roads

Corley MSA, M6 northbound. There are big enough signs as you leave the MSA saying that trucks, coaches, caravans etc must use the inside lane when exiting the MSA as it climbs up a hill. So what do I see every time I come past there ? Trucks, coaches, caravans cutting across the dividing chevrons into lane 2, trying to barge their way on to the motorway doing 25mph as I’m sailing up the inside lane of the M6 doing 56mph. WHY ■■? Common sense dictates that by using the inner lane you can build up your speed sufficiently to merge at - or near - the same speed as the traffic already on the motorway.

Same thoughts on M62 eastbound at J25 and J26 when the traffic is stacked up on the motorway. Both slip roads are the two lane variety that are separated by wide chevrons. The inner of the two lanes carries on for another 400 yards before merging so why, when the motorway is at a stand still, do they move from the empty inner slip road where they can gain an extra 400 yards, into the outer lane which leads straight into static traffic. :question: :question:

Really, really (capital ‘P’) me off.

My rant would be the (ZB’s) who think they are invisible and that you won’t notice when they use junctions and motorway services to leap frog the standing traffic on the M62 eastbound every morning. I’m not just refering to cars, a fair number of trucks do it as well.

Rob K:
Same thoughts on M62 eastbound at J25 and J26 when the traffic is stacked up on the motorway. Both slip roads are the two lane variety that are separated by wide chevrons. The inner of the two lanes carries on for another 400 yards before merging so why, when the motorway is at a stand still, do they move from the empty inner slip road where they can gain an extra 400 yards, into the outer lane which leads straight into static traffic. :question: :question:

im with you on that one when your coming up to hartshead moor services also another eastbound traffic coming of the m606 from bradford.

Slip roads are one of my pet hates too Rob, when will drivers understand that in this country we drive on the left. A slip road has a white line which if you follow it will bring you to the main road :smiley: But no! everyone wants to drive across the chevrons, double lines or unbroken lines and force me to brake as I pass an exit.

It is more the reason that driving tests should be taken using loaded vehicles and that car drivers should have to take a test on a motorway. How can poodling about town in a nissan micra at 30mph teach you anything about driving in the real world?

Agree with you Rob, although when I posted the a message saying the same thing a couple of months ago I got a load of abuse off people on here.

Agree with you Rob, although when I posted the a message saying the same thing a couple of months ago I got a load of abuse off people on here.

Ah you get used to it on here, especially when most of it originates from me :laughing:

My God!
He’s a whinger isn’t he?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The thing that [zb] me off is signals. They’re not an optional extra and I’m not psychic.

Also, when joining a motorway/duel carridgeway from a slip, the person on the slip gives way to traffic on the main carridgeway. I move over if I can/ease off a bit, but if I’ve got traffic up my outside and I’m running up a hill fully loaded, then it’s tough [zb] - it’s your job to merge with the traffic on the main carridgeway :unamused:.

Yes i find it amazing when anyone joining a motorway thinks they have the automatic right of way. They only look at their nearside lane when joining whereas i look at two lanes to see whether a vehicle can or cannot move over.
I had an incident in france last week when this little 2cv thought he could continue his present speed whilst at the side of me…WRONG !! did frighten me though cos i really thought i was gonna take the front off his pride and joy. so why do people always think we have to give way…or move over…and sometimes dont realise that we cant because of other traffic which they havnt noticed…but this arguement will go on forever…

as ive said on here before there is 200-300 yards of slip road for joing traffic to ADJUST THEIR SPEED to the traffic flow already on the moterway.

I always use the left hand slip road at Corley Northbound as the right hand is too short for trucks and cars,

I does annoy me when trucks get in this lane and just push there way out,

Not good practice :imp:

The one which annoys me is the A12 from the anti clock M25, it is quite clearly signed that traffic wishing to turn right should que and use both lanes down the slip road, but half the people want to que on the right down the slip road then move accross to the left as they go round the roundabout, this was how the road was set up up til about 5 years ago, then the highways decided that if they made 2 lanes of traffic to follow round and onto the entry slip road for the A12 this would ease conjestion slightly on the M25 at peak times, but none of the numpties that seem to want use the road in its original set up have grasped this, and I end up with my window open pointing at the road, although they wont have a clue what i’m going on about, or i wouldnt have to point at the road in the first place. I’ve got to say though it seems that truckers have got it weighed up on this one , and it is the private motorist who is the offender, that would be the motorist’s that complain about conjestion, are not willing to use the road corectly thus maybe easing if only by a small amount the conjestion in that area.

Yes i find it amazing when anyone joining a motorway thinks they have the automatic right of way. .

Im still getting used to the expression of "Oh ■■■■■■" on car drivers faces as they drive along the slip road aproaching the motorway with their eyes glued to the wing mirror without looking over their shoulders, only to find me in the truck come into their field of view 2-3 seconds later, and they have to make the decision of brake or excellerate :open_mouth: last week I had a woman give me grief, I was on M1 north bound at the A57 junction, I was unable to move over to let her join, (I was also exiting at the M18 less than 1/2 mile further on) she wouldnt back off, addament on squeezing into a 6-8m gap, so I beeped my horn to make her aware of my presence, she finally dropped back, but pulled along side me later shaking her fist at me :laughing: :laughing:

to be honest rob i think ur moanin for nothin many times i have come up the slip off that it is fairly hard to get straight across there to the truck lane many times i have tried to play it safe there but the other road user,s do ,permit it as we all no

My God!
He’s a whinger isn’t he?? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I blame Rikki and Lucy for allowing him a platform here :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Agree with Rob, but another thing too, at the end of the acceleration lanes are ‘GIVE WAY’ lines.

When will some of the silly (zb)'s realise it is not their god given right to join a motorway regardless :unamused:

eddie snax:
The one which annoys me is the A12 from the anti clock M25, it is quite clearly signed that traffic wishing to turn right should que and use both lanes down the slip road, but half the people want to que on the right down the slip road then move accross to the left as they go round the roundabout, this was how the road was set up up til about 5 years ago, then the highways decided that if they made 2 lanes of traffic to follow round and onto the entry slip road for the A12 this would ease conjestion slightly on the M25 at peak times, but none of the numpties that seem to want use the road in its original set up have grasped this, and I end up with my window open pointing at the road, although they wont have a clue what i’m going on about, or i wouldnt have to point at the road in the first place. I’ve got to say though it seems that truckers have got it weighed up on this one , and it is the private motorist who is the offender, that would be the motorist’s that complain about conjestion, are not willing to use the road corectly thus maybe easing if only by a small amount the conjestion in that area.

I hit a numpty here when he came round the inside (too enter M25 anticlockwise) then cut in front of me.

He was driving an astra conv & I hit him just behind the drivers door meaning it needed a new body shell :laughing:

Luckily the car behind saw what happend & said he cut him up on the slip road. Oh & he owned a small haulage firm in Witham :wink:

Another bad one is turning right onto the A13 from M25 anticlock.
Why is it nobody can follow 2 white lines painted 12’ apart on the road ,trucks included (petrol tankers take note)
