Was at morrison in northampton swan valley 9/6/08 about 10am :angry: , whilst waiting for paperwork in wagon was playing with bluetooth on phone just to see what names i could pick up, and i noticed a rob k, was that you at all?

just curious thats all :smiley:


Sometime ago, whilst passing cursorily over it (as you do :wink:) i noted a Rob K had won, err, now how can i put this politely for a family show? A ā€œnight outā€ with specific pleasurable benefits :wink: with a ā– ā– ā– ā–  actress (or it may have been 2 of them). I did wonder if there was any connection? Although iā€™m well aware there must be many Rob Kā€™s in the UK.

Iā€™m in no way suggesting ofcourse that it would be our own dear TN member, was just an observation.

Was at morrison in northampton swan valley 9/6/08 about 10am :angry: , whilst waiting for paperwork in wagon was playing with bluetooth on phone just to see what names i could pick up, and i noticed a rob k, was that you at all?

just curious thats all :smiley:


No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Ah you dont driveā€¦thats why you couldnt care about diesel prices

No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Is that through your own choice or because no one will employ you as a professional driver because you have a sharp negative rediculing gob on you?


No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Is that through your own choice or because no one will employ you as a professional driver because you have a sharp negative rediculing gob on you?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Rob K ā€¦His second name is Knapp that might explain his attitude, if he is related the the late dinosaur Jimmy Knapp

I dont knowā€¦but i can feel a row brewingā€¦come on ROBā€¦lets hear yaā€¦

Iā€™m not getting involved Bob.

The comments made by Winters and Willie_Mac above just confirm exactly what I said earlier today in my post here : ā€¦ 782#348782

Nuff said I think. :unamused:

God this site is going down hill very fast. :frowning:

I thought the name calling idiots would be watching big brother,
because they fit into that no life category :imp:

I dont agree with all of Robs comments,
but i always like reading others opinions.

Ohhh yeah and can trucknet spend more time trying to fix the site.
rather than over policing it.
Hearsay can be very entertaining, who needs 100% facts,
We are here for light hearted chat :unamused:

Macka Packa:
God this site is going down hill very fast. :frowning:

I thought the name calling idiots would be watching big brother,
because they fit into that no life category :imp:

I dont agree with all of Robs comments,
but i always like reading others opinions.

Ohhh yeah and can trucknet spend more time trying to fix the site.
rather than over policing it.
Hearsay can be very entertaining, who needs 100% facts,
We are here for light hearted chat :unamused:

Some good points, well put.

This site is becoming increasingly SLOW to load pages etcā€¦often times out (and Iā€™m on 8 meg broadband!)

Macka Packa:
Ohhh yeah and can trucknet spend more time trying to fix the site.
rather than over policing it.

No money is spent on Policing the site :stuck_out_tongue: .


Macka Packa:
Ohhh yeah and can trucknet spend more time trying to fix the site.
rather than over policing it.

No money is spent on Policing the site :stuck_out_tongue: .

I think ā€˜timeā€™ was the word used Simon, not ā€˜moneyā€™. :wink:
Certainly time something was done. :cry:

why dont you ask tachodisc or isuzu to put thier hands in thier pockets to speed it up then.

or a pound a year from each member. surely that would get the better servers instead of us having problems that have been going on for over a week now!

(and i thought the bosses in the navy were slow to fix anything, they are like striking cobraā€™s compared to this lot!) :laughing: :laughing:

edited for wrong time, i posted a fortnight but its been a week but it normally takes about a week to post anything! :laughing: :laughing:



No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Is that through your own choice or because no one will employ you as a professional driver because you have a sharp negative rediculing gob on you?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Funny as * :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Is that through your own choice or because no one will employ you as a professional driver because you have a sharp negative rediculing gob on you?

No is mum as packed is toys lorries away :laughing:



No. I donā€™t drive for a living anymore.

Is that through your own choice or because no one will employ you as a professional driver because you have a sharp negative rediculing gob on you?

No is mum as packed is toys lorries away :laughing:

And your mum forgot to send you to school ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

heā€™s hā€™only short hā€™ov ha few haitches