I see that it has been moved.
Moved or removed?
If moved then where?

click on the link and it will take you to the thread

I see that it has been moved.
Moved or removed?
If moved then where?

No offence intended, but if you spent some time working on your search skills, rather than spending the time slagging off another member, you wouldn’t need to ask that question.

I’m just expressing my point of view from what I have read etc!
Just like ROB K.
No offence. :sunglasses:

Are you lot on drugs or what ■■?

If its been moved…where to ■■?

Mod says click on the link

I say…(and i nearly swore)…what link■■?


There is right next to where it say’s moved
ie:-Moved: ROB K THREAD…
so you click on the bit that say’s ROB K THREAD and it takes you to the topic
does that explain it for you

I am so sorry MOD…maybe i am a bit thick at times…but its obvious that if you want to see a post…YOU CLICK ON IT…
So thats what i did…i clicked on ROB K THREAD (moved)

The first post i saw was from Winters, and here is the message in full Quote

see that it has been moved.
Moved or removed?
If moved then where?

So it seems that no one can find anything related to ROB K…so delete the ******* (nearly swore then ) lot of it…its the site, and not us…

Perhaps a Rob k section would make things easier :question: :question: :unamused: :wink: :laughing:

Winters was refering to one of the other post’s about RobK that had been posted and moved this morning ( and moved to feedback)he didn’t bother looking or clicking the link just made another post asking where the thread had gone
no threads have been removed to the storage shed or deleted today

There are three threads all titled “Rob K” and all marked as “Moved” in the “THE UK PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS FORUM (INTERACTIVE)” forum, and also showing in the feedback forum, you must have clicked the link to this thread.

Click on the " FEEDBACK FORUM - Let Us Know! (INTERACTIVE)" link at the top of this thread and you’ll see them all :wink:

Perhaps a Rob k section would make things easier :question: :question: :unamused: :wink: :laughing:

Perhaps it could be combined with a Fuel Protest section :laughing: