is no more

This Morning we turned off :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

In future we will have three different websites reflecting our print titles, Commercial Motor, Motor Transport and Truck & Driver, the first of these went online today as was switched off.

For now all the news and blogs will be on ( and its not orange) :wink: :grimacing:

It is early days for the new site and content is being added all the time. Undoubtedly there may be a few bugs, (at present the redirects from are not working correctly) but bear with us as we work through them.

Are you going to run a divert on the old domain until it expires to one of your three, perhaps with a note at the top to explain the change rather than let those getting lost to flounder in the net…

Are you going to run a divert on the old domain until it expires to one of your three, perhaps with a note at the top to explain the change rather than let those getting lost to flounder in the net…

please note

at present the redirects from are not working correctly

the old domain will not expire and will in time point directly to but for now ,(when the redirects start working) it will remain as is so all requests for any pages on go to the new site

so a request for

More info here …

I just dont get it :confused:

For instance you wouldn’t get coke changing its brand name you keep a name and build it. roadtransport is a better name than motorcommercial, i just dont get it :confused:

I just dont get it :confused:

For instance you wouldn’t get coke changing its brand name you keep a name and build it. roadtransport is a better name than motorcommercial, i just dont get it :confused:

Commercial Motor is already a well known name, it was that was not so well known. Commercial Motor and Motor Transport have been the weekly industry bible for more years than I have been around this industry.

Wheel Nut:

I just dont get it :confused:

For instance you wouldn’t get coke changing its brand name you keep a name and build it. roadtransport is a better name than motorcommercial, i just dont get it :confused:

Commercial Motor is already a well known name, it was that was not so well known. Commercial Motor and Motor Transport have been the weekly industry bible for more years than I have been around this industry.

Magazines are a dead media, i really liked the roadtransport website really had a modern feel to it just seems daft to dump a concept to help out a magazine.

help out a magazine? :question:

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:
The web and print are two very different media, but the target audiences are the same

Magazines are a dead media,

Well perhaps you should tell the peope that are buying them then, as we have had some of our best ever monthly sales of the print titles since we left RBI…

i really liked the roadtransport website

And all the news and articles that were on will also be on the new website, just not as Orange was the first realistic attempt to combine the trade journals with on-line media, If it hadnt worked we would have simply shut it down, no point in spending money if its not wanted.

The fact it did work and more showed that an investment in websites for three sectors of the industry was viable , and far more sensible than trying to cover all the sectors from one single website…

The three new websites are an evolution from not a replacement. -

glad to find big lorry blog again, thought it was a system fault. :smiley:

glad to find big lorry blog again, thought it was a system fault. :smiley:

We do apologise, all redirects including Big lorry Blog should have been active as soon as we shut down the old site

It didnt happen correctly and still isnt,

We ae working to fix this as a priority, and again we can only apologise

It was a bad idea when it started and its a bad idea now Rikki why dont you just kick all the adverts that NOONE likes to see anyway and get Tnuk back to what it was for drivers by drivers NO ADS no profits making organisations just a website for drivers to communicate with each other.

It doesnt cost a fortune for webspace as you and I know.

Bet this one gets put in to review and possibley removed.

It was a bad idea when it started and its a bad idea now Rikki why dont you just kick all the adverts that NOONE likes to see anyway and get Tnuk back to what it was for drivers by drivers NO ADS no profits making organisations just a website for drivers to communicate with each other.

It doesnt cost a fortune for webspace as you and I know.

Bet this one gets put in to review and possibley removed.

I doubt it will, but it will probably get RobK shouting at Ricki again if he did it, with over 27000 members. I doubt the site will run off Ricki’s Netbook any longer :stuck_out_tongue:

If its so cheap and easy to do, then whats stopping you or anyone else doing it?
Just think, you can have your own forum, with the rules just as you want them, and no annoying ads.

All you got to do is start it… , build it and maintain it. and it will be perfect as it will be exactly run how you want it to be. :wink: :wink:

with over 27,000 registered members
50,000 unique visitors a month
over 10 GB of hosted images
Over 2 million page views a month
over a million comments posted

thats some bandwidth… good luck finding a cheap host for that :wink:

Plus when you get that much traffic things slow down a bit on a shared server - as the many complaints showed, so you have a dedicated server - good luck getting that cheap too :wink:

If the server goes bang in a big way theres a lot of peoples input and memories that will go up in virtual and possibly real smoke, so a mirrored server constantly backing up would stop the moans, that of course may cost a couple of pennies. :wink:

And when, as all things do, it breaks ocassionaly having 24 hour 7 day a week server technical backup is also cheap, especially when you have the guys personal cell phone numbers and dont have to fill out a support ticket and hope someone may get round to it eventually :unamused:

As I said, if you think you can start, build upto a site this size and keep it running out of the change in your back pocket, good luck to you… let me know it it goes :wink: :grimacing:

It was a bad idea when it started and its a bad idea now Rikki why dont you just kick all the adverts

You may think its a bad idea, but it pays the bills , keeps a number of people in work and helps pay their mortgages, including mine, from where I am sitting thats not such a bad idea at all :wink: :bulb: :laughing:

just a website for drivers to communicate with each other.

Seems to me they are doing that on here anyway :bulb: :unamused:

Big Lorry Blog -

I’ve found it… eventually…

How do I log in?
It seems even more clunky than the old one?

No reply?
OK - fair enough - BLB is to be killed off then?
Why are the same comments on each picture?

This seems very sensible to me, ask most people if they know what is and they wouldn’t know. Everyone knows Commercial Motor, even if they don’t actually buy the mag any more (like me).