Roads around Pontesbury?

I’m delivering to a place called Pontesbury, Shrewsbury on Monday. Looking at the map, there’s a 12’9 bridge on the main route (A488). Coming from Shrewsbury, It looks like I could take the A458, then onto the B4387. Anyone used this route? I’ll be running at a height of just under 16ft, with a 50ft long trailer, so I don’t want to be getting stuck on an unsuitable road that will take me till next thursday to get out off! :confused:

Check your pm

as a x pontsbury resident as a swains employee dont take the pontsbury exit. go to next island turn left go through the lanes and you will arrive to the rear of pontsbury. pm me if need excact directions. brian

is it convoi exceptional at that length of trailer

simple solution to negotiate that bridge.
park up at 1 side of the bridge, unload the plant, drive it to the other side, followed by the wagon, then reload it all. :stuck_out_tongue:

though its best not to do it until the peak of rush hour for maximum disruption effect :wink:

I’m delivering to a place called Pontesbury, Shrewsbury on Monday. Looking at the map, there’s a 12’9 bridge on the main route (A488). Coming from Shrewsbury, It looks like I could take the A458, then onto the B4387. Anyone used this route? I’ll be running at a height of just under 16ft, with a 50ft long trailer, so I don’t want to be getting stuck on an unsuitable road that will take me till next thursday to get out off! :confused:

DO NOT TAKE THAT ROUTE. It is absolutely crap. At some points, mirrors are touvching hedges on both sides. Even though it’s a B road, it’s actually as narrow as a single track unclassified.

Instead, follow the low bridge direction signs from the A5 which take you down the B4386. After a few miles, you come to a hamlet called Nox where there’s a left turn on a S bend which is also the low bridge diversion. Follow that. It’ll bring you out on the A488 a few miles before Pontesbury. Even though it’s an unclassified road, it’s actually twice as wide as the B4387!!!

I do this route regularly so I think I know where you’re delivering as there’s a big building site. Basically you go into Pontesbury and it becomes a one way system round the church. BE VERY CAREFUL ON THE FIRST RIGHT HAND BEND as plenty of people have smacked the gable end of the house on the left and the poor sod has just had part of it rebuilt again. Go past the shops and you come to a crossroad. Turn right which keeps you on the one way system and go up the hill past the nursery. If I’m right about where you need to be, the site is at the top of the hill on the left just after the nursery. The road opens up there so you should have plenty of room to park out of the way.

On the way back, THE LOW BRIDGE WARNING LIGHTS DO NOT WORK so if in doubt about the height of the cab, take the diversion route again.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate all your help.

Conor, that sounds like the best route, especially as I think my delivery point (rea valley tractors) is slightly north of the village. If that’s the case I won’t have to go through the village centre.

is it convoi exceptional at that length of trailer

The technical term, is ‘too bloody long’ :open_mouth:

I’m not looking forward to this delivery, but if all else fails, I’ve got Pierre’s suggestion :unamused:

Cheers everyone!

Can’t miss the tractor place. It’s a few hundred yards into the village on the left. Loads of those green ones parked out front.