Roadhawk catches A90 crash

Wheel Nut:

WTF can the lorry driver learn from this? Expect some knob to enter a motorway on the wrong side? :unamused:

The lorry driver probably saved the Corsa drivers life, in hindsight he should maybe have just gone over him. Harsh, but the lorry turned over because he swerved to avoid him by the view from the camera.

looking at the damage to the corsa, the lorry hit the car anyway and resulted in the lorry overturning

oh, BTW, the corsa driver was a woman :wink:

WTF can the lorry driver learn from this? Expect some knob to enter a motorway on the wrong side? :unamused:

If nothing else it can teach us all a lesson, which is to expect the unexpected at any time. While i’ve not witnessed anything as monumentally stupid as this, its not the first time we’ve heard of vehicles travelling the wrong way on roads.

As a professional driver I like to think that some days I earn my money not by the speed i’ve got round at, or how well I reversed into a tight one, but by maybe avoiding something potentially dangerous by my anticipation of what another road user has done. I’m not trying to say i’d have avoided this, not many would have and you’ve got to say well done to the driver for the swerve, which no doubt did save the Corsa drivers life, but my point is, is that you can learn from this, even if it just reminds us that you can never really take your eye off the road for a second.

Wheel Nut:

These arsewipes that slam on in front of you because they are held up for a moment or two can cause carnage and be away scott- free, they want nicking :imp:

Remember this, the 3 army tanks falling off a transporter allegedly due to someone cutting across the lanes. … 980640.stm … icles.html

A camera would have been very handy there!

I wonder out of interest if Trucknet could approach Roadhawk to see if the Drivers could perhaps get the cameras at a preferential rate? Dont know if this has already been done (fairly new to the site as such) but may be worth a try? If they shifted plenty of units they may talk about dropping the price a few quid. Also it doesnt have to be the all singin ‘n’ dancing new model. The Mark one I was hoping to buy will do the
job. So they may be even more accommodating if getting rid of old stock so to speak.

I think the way the roads are getting these are a must for any driver. Granted what has been said above, this could not have stopped this prick causing the accident. But think on, how many times have you been on back road, the motorway at night etc when some doughnut wants to play games with the big truck with his mates in the car or some other nutter has done some completely random move that has nearly caused or has caused an accident.

What did it for me very recently was the M74, two lanes out of Glasgow, I’m passing traffic steady, its ■■■■■■ down, dark and I get by everybody and pull in. This prick gets two feet from my bumper and slams on. Its a natural reaction to brake, so all that, I’d have ran over him bit dont wash with me. Thats it, your bloods up then, we again know its shouldnt be but because of whats happened you then either flash them or start trading insults and even worse get the baseball bat out, lol. Only joking :imp:

This isnt the first time its happend to me and everybody on here and it certainly wont be the last. The difference with one of these cameras is they cant get away with it if its classed as Dangerous Driving and there is evidence to support that. This is why half of these pricks do what they do precisely because they think they CAN get away with it. Road rage the Trucker, show off to his mates and then speed off.

Just my thoughts on the matter, I’m getting one come what may.Just thought if there was a collective approach to the company from the site they may knock us a few quid off :smiley:


WTF can the lorry driver learn from this? Expect some knob to enter a motorway on the wrong side? :unamused:

If nothing else it can teach us all a lesson, which is to expect the unexpected at any time. While i’ve not witnessed anything as monumentally stupid as this, its not the first time we’ve heard of vehicles travelling the wrong way on roads.

As a professional driver I like to think that some days I earn my money not by the speed i’ve got round at, or how well I reversed into a tight one, but by maybe avoiding something potentially dangerous by my anticipation of what another road user has done. I’m not trying to say i’d have avoided this, not many would have and you’ve got to say well done to the driver for the swerve, which no doubt did save the Corsa drivers life, but my point is, is that you can learn from this, even if it just reminds us that you can never really take your eye off the road for a second.

thanks mr happy, you beat me to it,
what did you think pete-b? i was defending the car driver? WTF can the lorry driver learn? the same as we can all learn.
as mrhappy said, Learn to expect the unexpected. it was one of the first things i was taught when i took my car test, again when i took my bike test, again when i took my pcv, again when i took my class 2, and AGAIN when i took my class 1
personally, i thought his reactions were fantastic, and wether it was luck or driving skill, he did very well to keep it to the right side of the road after the collision

Bloody hell, surely she would have realised and stopped much earlier. Far to many retards on the road.

Bloody hell, surely she would have realised and stopped much earlier. Far to many retards on the road.

In my experience a lot of women freeze when facing any situation and they just grip the wheel even tighter but keep on coming.

Bulgy Dave recently posted a link to the story of a copper who was playing the sudden braking game, he got 18 months. … -28284596/

But then the police often think they are a law unto themselves!

I wish I’d had a Roadhawk or similar when the [zb] on the A58 out of Leeds brake tested me in the truck because he didn’t want me overtaking him doing 35mph on a 40mph d/c. He slammed on so hard that my own harsh braking to avoid him caused the 2 cars behind me to crash into each other. I caught up with him at Shell garage the other side of the Ring Road and kicked the [zb] out of him (a university lecturer, it turned out) but of course because it was my word against his he got away scot free and I ended up with an assault charge. The assault charge I can deal with as that was my own fault for losing it, but at the minimum he should’ve got a DD and/or a ban.

So the lesson seems to be, drive with your foot perched over the brake, not that it would have made any difference whatsoever, absolute zero time to react. The lorry driver was very very lucky, how much did he miss the light post by.

So the lesson seems to be, drive with your foot perched over the brake, not that it would have made any difference whatsoever, absolute zero time to react. The lorry driver was very very lucky, how much did he miss the light post by.

So perhaps if he had been travelling at 80kmh instead of 89.5 or whatever it was, he would have been further back up the road and not in that spot, perhaps if the car driver had read the road signs properly she would not have been there either, its not my wish to point any finger of blame here, its all if and buts, shouldawouldacoulda, but the fact remains, expect the unexpected, and yes, i agree with you, very lucky indeed

And if he had stayed in his bed it might not have happened at all. ■■■■ happens and you can’t legislate for other peoples stupidity. :wink:

So the lesson seems to be, drive with your foot perched over the brake, not that it would have made any difference whatsoever, absolute zero time to react. The lorry driver was very very lucky, how much did he miss the light post by.

It is a fair point. I remember my old car instructor used to talk about covering the brake pedal, just that you don’t expect to have to cover it at an exit slip from incoming on a dual carriageway. :open_mouth:

I wonder out of interest if Trucknet could approach Roadhawk to see if the Drivers could perhaps get the cameras at a preferential rate? Dont know if this has already been done (fairly new to the site as such) but may be worth a try? If they shifted plenty of units they may talk about dropping the price a few quid. Also it doesnt have to be the all singin ‘n’ dancing new model. The Mark one I was hoping to buy will do the
job. So they may be even more accommodating if getting rid of old stock so to speak.
Just my thoughts on the matter, I’m getting one come what may.Just thought if there was a collective approach to the company from the site they may knock us a few quid off :smiley:

I just had a chat with a guy called Mark from roadhawk and he thinks he can sort out a discount for members. Definitely worth having this camera if it can catch idiots like this and protect our license.

erm…thats what ive just said, not in exact words, but if you want the last word, its all yours…

Sorry MJ, if thats at me, half asleep, finished a 6 nighter and been up all day as I wont sleep tonight if I’d kipped earlier on. Good idea though. See if we can get something happening with it it?

no worries, it was a reply to pete-b mate, not you :smiley:

no worries, it was a reply to pete-b mate, not you :smiley:

Not really bothered tbh :neutral_face:

I just had a chat with a guy called Mark from roadhawk and he thinks he can sort out a discount for members. Definitely worth having this camera if it can catch idiots like this and protect our license.

I don’t know about anyone else, but despite being a fairly innovative piece of kit, I think for personal use they are way overpriced (£300) for what they are. They could still make a mint on these flogging them at £150. Plus there is no shortage of alternatives either. … e-dashcams

This, for example, £50 - … 3a63bf6abb

Video of it here (change resolution tab to 720p under vid) -

Obviously you need to factor in youtube’s compression which doesn’t show the vid at its best, but I reckon if you have the unit set to 1280 that you would be able to read vehicles registrations a good few car lengths away, which is something that both the Roadhawk versions completely fail at. Granted, the DVR-007 doesn’t have googlemaps tracking or speed traces built in, but do you really need that stuff?

I know which one I’d buy out of the 2 and that’s just one alternative out of many others on the market.

To expect the unexpected is one thing, but theres nothing the truck driver could have done to prevent this.
Human reactional instinct by the trucker saved the Corsa driver, something that you just cant teach

I hope the truck driver was ok and the car driver lost his licence.