Road Transport Group may move on!

Andy Salter, boss at Reed Business Information Ltd’s Road Transport Group, says he is talking to the firm about a proposed investor-funded management buyout. If the idea goes ahead it would create a new company, called Road Transport Media Ltd, running Commercial Motor, Motor Transport, Truck & Driver, the Motor Transport Awards and Salter would head the new firm, and says he has “no plans to make any changes” and aims to keep the successful team together while looking for “new ways of engaging with our audiences” and providing the “information and products” people need to run successful businesses. If his plan goes ahead, the new firm starts in March.

Does this MBO include TruckNet?

There are discussions happening about all the Road Transport Group titles as of this time nothing is signed sealed or delivered… as this is commercially sensitive this thread will be locked until such time as the situation can be announced. any other such threads will be deleted for the above reason

Update 1/3/2011
please read this post