Road safety?......yer right!

Take a look at this, it’s a sign post in a little village called Brockholes Near Huddersfield.

Why is the 30MPH limit sign covered up?

Could it have something to do with the camera 100 YDS on the left not making enough dosh or would the scamera partnership that covered the sign like to explain how that helps reduce accidents and improves road safety? … .jpg?ch=71[/img]

(I can never get them photo’s to work right)

And you still can`t :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Clicked on your link and got a 404 Failed - server not found :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :grimacing:


It should look like this after you have pasted it into your message body box. If you copy the third one down out of the options. It’s the one that starts with

All I get are hand signals for crane operators. Wrong link.

All I get are hand signals for crane operators. Wrong link.

Me too and even removing various bits of Marlow’s original link still result in a 404.

All I get are hand signals for crane operators. Wrong link.

It will be hand signals for crane operators because it is my link to ‘photobucket’. I gave it as an example of how marlows link to ‘photobox’ should look in his message body box for it to work. :unamused:

Me too and even removing various bits of Marlow’s original link still result in a 404

any helpful suggestions then?

Sorry the image is a bit on the big side but it shows that the limit of 30mph has been covered with a yellow sticker. Could it have anything to do with the speed camera 50 yards down the road?, as if I need to ask :unamused:

If the sign is covered like this then surely it can’t be a 30mph limit. Due to incorrect signage. Other have found slight technicalities have meant the limits arn’t legal.

if any driver gets caught over 30mph and get taken to court,then the driver will be let off with this fine as the sign should be visible for all to see and not covered up.the council will be held responsible for all court charges as they failed to have the signs so as drivers can see them. :wink:

and just to add i need a 32’’ screen to read this dam post :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

LOL Jim, me too :grimacing:

There was an article in the local paper about that sign - it’s believed to have been covered by a motorist who got caught on the speed camera further down the road and is now using the excuse that the sign was covered.

What a star :smiley:

Rob K:
LOL Jim, me too :grimacing:

There was an article in the local paper about that sign - it’s believed to have been covered by a motorist who got caught on the speed camera further down the road and is now using the excuse that the sign was covered.

What a star :smiley:

Yeah right… That’s what the council came out with once they’d found out the media knew about their mess-up… :imp: :imp:
Why would a disgruntled motorist do this , you have to ask yourself… Surely he’d be doing the opposite… ■■?

It’s the suits covering their RS’s…!!!

Chrisie… :sunglasses: