road rage


Would you lot call 999 if you witnessed something like what we saw in that Iceland thread? I know I would.

No because you see stuff like that on the road pretty much every time you venture out. Who had that kind of time to be making endless phone calls.

I was driving home from work tonight on the A505 between Hitchin and Luton where it is dual carriageway for most of the way. For a short section up a hill there is an additional crawler lane. There was a car in lane 1 being overtaken by one in lane 2 as the crawler began, I was in lane 1 a couple of hundred metres behind those two vehicles. A guy comes flying past me, flashes his lights at the cars in front, waits a nano second before throwing it violently into the crawler lane and passing the two cars on the inside. He then throws it across the front of them in an aggressive manner and straddles the line between lane 1 and 2 before slamming on the anchors in order to brake test the other two vehicles. I just thought “what a [zb]”, the thought of dialing 999 or 101 never even crossed my mind***,

***No, I wasn’t thinking of the children.

I agree, a sad reflection on driving standards but without proof (videos ect) the cps would most likely not prosecute unless lives where at risk as the OP vids show.
It cant all be blamed on the police, its the resources they need/have to chase this stuff, should they follow this or the “proper” crimes of old people being mugged syndrome, they cant win, we cant win, more police and we would moan we are in a police state, its bad enough with DVSA, its a financial and social tight rope the authorities walk…

And Bobdbouwer still hasn’t given a sensible answer to why he wanted to do more than 50 on an A road and why would the police be interested in going for “a word” with the car driver when Bobby boy’s already admitted that he was trying to exceed the speed limit, or maybe he didn’t tell them that. Over to you Bobbyboy. :slight_smile:

Back to the op. Some have said that something must have happened before hand. Not necessarily. I drove buses for a rest, what a brilliant move :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Anyway, we used to get this sort of thing pretty often just because some morons think all bus drivers are ■■■■■■ just like some think the same about all truck drivers and taxi drivers etc. So I agree with others that say the berk in the car braked because he thought the lorry was too close for a nano second.

And Bobdbouwer still hasn’t given a sensible answer to why he wanted to do more than 50 on an A road and why would the police be interested in going for “a word” with the car driver when Bobby boy’s already admitted that he was trying to exceed the speed limit, or maybe he didn’t tell them that. Over to you Bobbyboy. :slight_smile:

And why he felt it necessary to use his horn in an aggressive manner. :smiley:

The horn is there to advise other road users of your presence and the car driver was clearly already aware of Bob’s presence as he had just overtaken Bob before pulling in front of him. Seems the whole sorry incident was started by Bob, people in glass houses and all that. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Back to the op. Some have said that something must have happened before hand. Not necessarily. I drove buses for a rest, what a brilliant move :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: Anyway, we used to get this sort of thing pretty often just because some morons think all bus drivers are [zb], just like some think the same about all truck drivers and taxi drivers etc. So I agree with others that say the berk in the car braked because he thought the lorry was too close for a nano second.

In my younger days…more hotheaded days I drove buses for 17 years in Liverpool city centre god knows how I lasted that long, and I have got out the cab and ran after car drivers held up in traffic (iffy move :blush: ) and passengers that spat at me,(justified in jumping out and…well… :wink: ) and various misdemeanour’s and every on of them I have learnt something…Cool it and chill.
I could go to jail, I could go to hospital, I could die.
I have been involved in a non blameworthy fatal, it wakes you up to vulnerability.

A true driver will avoid an accident/incident, keep it good :wink:

As I posted this, the horn is a notice, more aggressive = more peril, think about it :wink: ignore it at your peril :wink:

And Bobdbouwer still hasn’t given a sensible answer to why he wanted to do more than 50 on an A road and why would the police be interested in going for “a word” with the car driver when Bobby boy’s already admitted that he was trying to exceed the speed limit, or maybe he didn’t tell them that. Over to you Bobbyboy. :slight_smile:

I was in a rush to get to the docks to kill me some hookers. Been a while since my last fix. :smiling_imp:

I had wagon hoofing up my arse today on the A590 in the Lakes,he saw the speed camera and seemed happy to do 40mph the same as me …the tart :laughing:

I had someone do this to me coming south out of Aberdeen. Phoned 999, and 20 mins later traffic cops had him pulled over in a layby. Must have given him a stern talking to as it was another 30 mins or so before he over took me.

I’ve done much the same thing once, 10 - 15 years ago.
I had a slow moving car monkeying about Northbound on the A1, South of Morpeth.
I was at max warp on the twin track, catching an old duffer (ie, older than me :open_mouth: ) in a Honda.
I pulled out and started to overtake. As I was about half way past, he accelerated, pulled away and disappeared into the distance. As he accelerated and pulled away I pulled back into the inside lane again having a grumble to myself, as ya do. No biggy, it happens often enough.
10 minutes later, there he is again, trundling along at around 40. Again I pull out and start to overtake, again I’m about half way past and then he accelerates. This time I demonstrate my displeasure with a toot of my horn. So he then tries a brake test on me, which gives me an overtaking opportunity, which I take and pass him. Next thing he’s alongside me, blowing his horn, pointing at me to pull over, which I ignore. He tries another brake test, I pass him again, he really hasn’t got this brake testing down very well :slight_smile:
Then he’s trying to get me to stop, no brake test this time but it’s going on for about 10 miles, so I indicate to suggest I’m going to pull into the layby a few hundred yards up the road, not far before Morpeth. He pulls in, I batter on. All the mucking about has got me a bit aggrieved by now tho. So I dialled the local traffic police number and told them the whole of my story, including being at max warp.
It seems he makes a habit of this, they knew who it was immediately, logged my complaint and told me they’d ‘have a word’.
On getting back to the yard, my boss called me into the office. He’d had a complaint that I’d tried to force a MOP off the road. “Oh that’ll be this old duffer I reported to the police” and told him the tale.
“Oh thats ok then”, said my boss, “I asked him where he was calling from and when I was told he was calling from home I told him my man hadn’t tried to force him off the road”. “We only employ professional drivers here, if one of my drivers had tried to force you off the road, you’d be in a field somewhere”. :open_mouth: :smiley:
How he got the idea I was a professional driver I’ll never know, probably just a turn of phrase :blush: :laughing:
I was at max warp on the twin track, because I’d been on the road for 3 weeks, was a bit tight for time and wanted to get home that day rather than the next morning.

I included my reason for being in a bit of a hurry so peterm doesn’t keep harping on about.
I was mildly surprised that the police didn’t give me a ticking off about it. On the other hand, the limit is 50, but ACPO guidelines are, or were, 10% +2, which gives you 57. 90km is 56, below 57 and speedos over read, so further under 57. Hardly worth them bothering about 52/53 in a 50 limit :sunglasses:

Born Idle:

Not enough footage available but it would appear the car was intimidated into performing this aggresive / stupid manouvre by a professional driver who should know better.

Yet more dashcam footage that shows the videoing driver as a bit of a plonker.

Why is he a plonker? If he was clearing the 1st lane for a joining vehicle, or to overtake the caravan, he did nothing wrong. He waited for a faster vehicle to go past and then pulled safely into the 2nd lane. If a car driver who is going much faster than a vehicle behind him is intimidated into a stupid brake test I don’t think it’s dashcam driver’s fault. And, by the way, neither did the law!

As always this is just my opinion and without question the car driver did something stupid and was punished accordingly.
However even allowing for limited footage what can be seen is the larger vehicle changing lanes in an aggresive fashion, boo hoo I hear you cry, well yes I tend to agree but as a professional driver he should be aware of how his actions affect other road users.

Now without a long lecture on personal space and how our own PS is extended beyond the vehicle we are in and any percieved invasion of that space is considered an aggresive act which will trigger the fright / flight / fight reaction it can be seen that by deliberately and aggresively changing lanes the large vehicle driver could be judged to getting a bit of imagined revenge for the car not letting him out sooner as no doubt he felt this roadspace was his by right as the car could pull over / brake to let him out.

The law itself does not have the luxury of a panel of expert drivers (myself excluded) to put a truer reflection of the lorry drivers mindset at that excact moment (although a moment of road rage for not being let out quick enough would be fair). So the law got it right and punished the car driver accordingly but what punishment did the HGV driver get after all he wasn’t whiter than white as the footage shows.

Me I would have just crashed into the citroen for the fun of it knowing that the dash cam footage should cover me enough to keep my license. :wink:

Which brings me to another issue with dash cams, apart from deliberately looking for trouble to justify their excistence (see Phantom Mark thread) would it be fair that some could perhaps respond more aggresively to a potential incident if they feel the dashcam footage will back them up.

I’m getting one though as the pros of owning a dashcam far outweigh the negatives.

Nice to see they nailed that muppet :grimacing:

I’m a bus driver and all the buses are fitted with cctv. I also have a dashcam in my old mondeo, the reason I put one in my car is that my daily commute used to take me up and down the A13 and I got fed up with car drivers and lorry drivers thinking that the indicator is an automatic right of way to change lane.

Over the years I have had a few non fault minor bumps in the bus, and when the other driver gets out of their car screaming, I just point to the cctv cameras and say ‘everything is on cctv, we will let the insurance deal with it’, and in EVERY case the other driver has rather sheepishly exchanged details.

For how much dashcams are now-£50 will get you a good one-everyone should have one.

Dashcams are good when they are used as intended but all too often we see videos appear which have been deliberate ‘set ups’ or half stories designed to criminalise one and victimise another.

What nails the car driver in this video, irrelevant to what happened in the build up he did a seriously dangerous manauver.

bought myself a dash cam a few years ago £20 ish,after being stopped buy 2 x5s on m6 as they had a report that I had forced a car into outside lane for no reason,after the interview and tacho check etc told the cops the only time I moved into lane 2 in such a dangerous manner was to give a broken down 7.5t truck room on hard shoulder,they checked with control,and said have a nice day,so bought a camera to prove my guilt or not every again,so far have never needed to post a video of my or any one elses dangerous driving,but have told 3 different people over the years who were not happy with me to feel free and report me a I have there driving and mine all on the camera in the windscreen,and never a phone call made to my office to complain about me :open_mouth: would recommend to any one buy one if only to save your ■■■ 1 its worth it HAPPY NEW YEAR

And Bobdbouwer still hasn’t given a sensible answer to why he wanted to do more than 50 on an A road and why would the police be interested in going for “a word” with the car driver when Bobby boy’s already admitted that he was trying to exceed the speed limit, or maybe he didn’t tell them that. Over to you Bobbyboy. :slight_smile:

A roads CAN BE DUALED! :laughing:

I drove buses…we used to get this sort of thing pretty often just because some morons think all bus drivers are [zb],

Spot on. 90% of other road users,esp cars,HATE buses with a passion and im convinced they go out of their way to wind the drivers up. Happened to me all the time. Some drivers dont help themselves though.
But the thing to remember with this particular video is that driving like the blue Citroen is a disgrace. 3 pages on here with debate about what did/didnt/may/may not have happened but in my eyes it is totally irrelevent. There is NO excuse for behaving like that behind the wheel. What if the truck driver was momenterilly distracted? Citroen man would realise in the last 3 seconds of his life that playing chicken with a 44 ton artic was not a wise move. And the lorry driver has to live with it and then, defend himself against the usual “bloody lorry drivers. Think they own the road. That poor motorist” comments from people who were not even there.

I included my reason for being in a bit of a hurry so peterm doesn’t keep harping on about.
I was mildly surprised that the police didn’t give me a ticking off about it. On the other hand, the limit is 50, but ACPO guidelines are, or were, 10% +2, which gives you 57. 90km is 56, below 57 and speedos over read, so further under 57. Hardly worth them bothering about 52/53 in a 50 limit :sunglasses:

Sounds like Simone missed out last night. :laughing: