Richard Thorne

Sheep-lady, you are right, I spent quite a lot of time with Ritchie Thorne and he always did a good job. Putting all of his indiscretions to one side he was a decent hard working professional bloke, and no doubt still is, In the back of my mind I do recall a MACK truck in the mid eight’s albeit, I could be wrong.

Was talking to rodders the other night about john o leary anyone know what johns doing with himself these days?

Steve Rogers:
Was talking to rodders the other night about john o leary anyone know what johns doing with himself these days?

Saw him today on M62 eastbound with a large static caravan on, poor him it was blowing a gale!

Glad to hear the old boy is still about whats the man driving these days?

Steve Rogers:
Glad to hear the old boy is still about whats the man driving these days?

A Magnum driven from the left.

Gavin, I’m pretty sure he did have a Mack,Can remember seeing them in his yard. The KW he had was then sold onto my Uncle who was running to Kazakhstan and anywhere else he could get a load to :stuck_out_tongue: Remember driving it once and got about a mile before I gave up. :smiley: Saw Richie outside my local the other week and He was off to Holland to get a truck and load for Bahrain. Good man who dont mind getting his hands dirty and always gave me good advice along with Alan Kendal who just ripped me apart everytime I saw him as I never went far enough for a man of his experience. :open_mouth:

Hi Nightrod

The first time I met Ritchie Thorne was at the Londra, Istanbul in the early 80’s and almost got into an altercation with him. :open_mouth:
I was not a fan on the first meeting, however we met later on the Tap Line in Saudi when I am pretty sure he was driving a Blue Mack, we chatted over tea for a while :open_mouth: albeit as many will know Earl Grey was not Ritchie’s favourite tipple. :laughing:
From that point forward we got on very well. I have the utmost respect for Ritchie, a ■■■■ good jockey, fitter and a real grafter………I have lost touch with him but hope is doing well.


Spoke to Ritchie a few months ago at Pat Seals funeral hasnt changed a bit just got crinkley like we all do when we get old,he is in Doha with Barnesy at the moment ,what a shock about Bob Paul pity you could not have been at the book launch I know you were one of Bobs favourite drivers, because you sucked up to him big time : :wink: :wink: :wink: lol: :laughing: :laughing: but then Bob loved us all .
