Richard Morton, Lancaster University

When i logged on earlier today there was a sticky, regarding the publication of Richard Morton (and colleagues) work, of Lancs University, on the subject of

‘‘Questioning the social and ethical implications of autonomous vehicle technologies on professional drivers.’’

I clicked on the link and found the PDF file with the full citation, but now for some reason i can’t find the sticky on the forum any more…is it me silly old sod going even more gaga if that were possible or have you removed it for a reason chaps and chappesses?
I read it by the way and it’s a very good article, far more sympathetic to the driver’s position in all of this new tech than i expected.

Full marks to Richard and his colleagues, Daniel Richards, Nick Dunn, Paul Coulton.

As you were, it’s on the owner driver’s forum as a locked sticky, doh :blush:

It’s an age thing! :smiley:

the maoster:
It’s an age thing! :smiley:

Tell me about it :cry:

However, now you’ve demoralised this not quite senior cistern :smiling_imp: , did you read the report?

However, now you’ve demoralised this not quite senior cistern :smiling_imp: , did you read the report?

God no! Life is short, there’s beer to be drunk, wenches to be chased and ale to be drunk from the skulls of my enemies! :smiley:

Haven’t read it myself either Juddian.
No offence mate, but if you find that sort of stuff interesting , check out Bullys, and Winseer’s ‘‘Right to reply’’ thread…I want a snort of what that guy is on. :smiley: …bizzare reading man.
Him and Carryfast are in full flow on there now I notice, so the boredom factor has now taken over, but if you are interested in the workings of the mind of Winseer, just have a look,… a mixture of comedy and shear paranoia, laced with a cure for insomnia now Carryfast is in the mix. :smiley:

I have.

Insightful about the driver aids. I have recently purchased a new Mercedes car with all that stuff installed, can’t say I care for it when it starts “telling you off”
I am going to freak if/when it does the braking assist.

Kind of wandered off in the middle in true Professional Driver Forum style on rant about toilets and parking.
And finished with a glimpse of what the future might hold for automation and its impact upon society as some of his ideas could be applied to a manufacturing environment.