Ricö is near to be bankrupt

One of the bigges european haulage companies is in trouble.

Hundreds of their drivers (mostly from east Europe) are trapped arround Europe - they have no cash for fuel and tolls and they haven’t recieved salary. Company owe 10 000 PLN (more then 2000 pounds ) to driver in average…

etransport.pl/wiadomosc5867.html (polish source).

German company officials told the press that is not true that they will be bankrupt soon. Polish company officials refused to comment.

If you’ll see some of these lorries parked somewhere, buy driver a sandwich :wink:

yeah just heard from my german friends - sad to see the big new company gone already… dont know if they will closing down for good ?

they got some german and most of polish drivers. hope they will go to home soon with full payment - they need to feeds for their family :cry:

Rate Cuttaz…?

I think maybe they just cannot compete on new rules? Rico was a good place to work, but famous for low wages. So when UK workmarket went open for Poles, plenty of polish drivers moved to work there. Rico soon suffered from staff shortage, so they changes wages to reasonable level… But that may be too much for them?

The german banks will be decideing as to what
will happen about the company, which if one
has read and followed the reports shows that the firm
got too big too soon also, they do not have too good a reputation
amongst drivers from Germany,and the wages well they where not
one which one could realy survive with in germany,

good riddance - screwing everyone else over on an unsustainable business plan :imp:

did notice they’d ordered 1100 new mega trailers from schmitz the other week :blush:

And many of new MAN tractors…

brit pete:
also, they do not have too good a reputation
amongst drivers from Germany,

yup, i heard one saying rico was the biggest ■■■■ in germany, cant remember what he was stated as paying the drivers

feel sorry for them if they end up with no money, they were just doing a job

HAVE a look at the –link
SORRY no translation as they have made a pigs ear of the
transfer from german into english with some words, they employ 500
people just in their base of operations in OSTERODE,so this is a
big problem for the locals, also the drivers from poland who drive
as well for Rico are hit hard as well, reports on the internet state
that many drivers are still waiting for their wages,

This is the English translation of that page.

The financially fastened forwarding agency RiCoe from Osterode in the resin must announce insolvency. The discussions with banks over a bridging finance failed finally, said RiCoe Qualitaetsmanager Bjoern Groeschner NDR 1 Lower Saxony because of Wednesday. Reason for the difficulties are among other things high accounts receivable. By the insolvency according to the report approximately 1,000 coworkers are concerned. However in Osterode 500 humans would work. The business concern is to be resumed for the time being. The RiCoe international transportation and logistics GmbH is active in Germany and Eastern Europe and possesses according to own data more than 2,000 trucks. The enterprise was created 1992 in Osterode and specialized in Eastern Europe-operates from the beginning.

yep that is exactly what the pc wrote, and as i was feeling lazy
and thought that the translation was a pigs ear , and there are
some better translation programmes, out on the web,
and before any one asks i was felling lazy so i did not translate it my self

Rate Cuttaz…?

Ain’t they all :question:

With a bit of luck maybe a few more will go ■■■■ up.Just goes to show what happens when rates are cut to ribbons.


TBH my sentiment exactly although i dont like to think of anyone been made redundant

I agree, hopefully we will see rates go north and gain some ground

I agree, hopefully we will see rates go north and gain some ground

Yeah right :exclamation: Not until we get a govt with a pair of bow locks, I’m sad to say but us British drivers/hauliers are going the same way as the rest of British industry, down the pan :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Have found this on the web a report with also a vidieo
as well, it seems that the firm has3,000 --3,500
workers regerstired and alone at one operating center
in germany work 1,000 , the rest are distributed through out
the various countrys where Rico has a company presence,
they have about 2,000 lorries at present, it seems that
Rico was the main transport company for VW Poland
AND THIS MEANS THAT problems for VW with parts
not reaching the factory,AT this moment in time
no one has lost their place of employment as the
various officals and banks try to see if it is possible to
save the firm,■■

here is the LINK
JUST click on the blue arrow to start the vidieo

I have just spoke to some old colleagues in VW @ Wolfsburg and the whisper is that there may be a possibility that VW help Rico with some funding for a major share of the company.

The usual VW approach to “Tier 3” service providers when the supply chain is “at risk”.

With a bit of luck this will get things back on track and help secure a few jobs…!

But of course, VW will then send in the "Audit Team and pull things apart to see where t went wrong.

:question: :question: :question:

Robbies Dad:
With a bit of luck maybe a few more will go ■■■■ up.Just goes to show what happens when rates are cut to ribbons.


Thought the English started all that in the late 70’s seem to recall we were leaders in the field of rate cutting at one time, maybe they got the idea from us, I belive that quite a lot of posters on here forget or are not aware of what went on when we did use to have large international (and small) truck companies

I think they have already been replaced. I loaded in Wolverhampton this morning and drove past at least 15 new black Scanias from Norbert Netzer waiting for loads