What’s the best way to reverse into a customers site where you have to virtually close the road off and potentially stop traffic? I can do it on smaller roads residential it hate it on busier roads, not fast roads just busy with traffic.
Is it literally as simple as bang the hazards on and get on with it?
get someone to from the company to see you back… if they cant/wont or you dont trust them to then its a case of wait for a gap in the traffic hazards on audible warning on and maneuver making darn sure you know where everyone is.
Your bound to get some silly idiot come and stand behind you but most have a modicum of common sense and keep out the way where you can see them.
I once had someone park their car behind me when i was reversing into a no parking zone in a supermarket car park to turn round to get to the delivery spot. I just asked him if it was natural talent or did he have to work at being so stupid his whole life. He moved his car then chose to stand behind me again arguing with the goods in guy
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Get warehouse staff fork lift driver someone to stop the traffic. Nearley always works for me. Just ask them to stand in the road don’t get them to guide you in and out I’d never trust a stranger who was trying to reverse me. Unless it’s another hgv driver.
Failing that stick hazards on edge out and bring the place to a standstill.
And always remember easier to reverse into premises and then drive out.
Lot harder to reverse out onto a main road.
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usually because there are so many ex truck drivers around, else car drivers with actual common sense and perception, you get in the right position to start your reverse into gateway, “signalling” what you’re gonna do by starting to turn the cab which tells anyone who knows, you want to swing the unit backwards across the road. Then people generally hold back for you. Except for the odd ■■■■■■■■ in the bmw, still force their way past.
Unless it’s an exceptionally busy road that links yuppie city with ■■■■■ ville, a couple of drivers will stop within a minute or two.
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Best solution I ever found was just go on nights 
But yeah as already said above, if its too busy you need someone to come out and stop the traffic. Especially these days when no one gives a flying ■■■■ for anyone but themselves. They will do almost anything to get past the big stupid truck thats delaying their trip to the gym or McDs…
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Which is probably illegal, unless there is no other way and you have two people to stop traffic in both directions. Otherwise I wouldn’t attempt it.
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