Returnloads Net .Com

Any information etc about this company .

i used them for 6 months, quite a lot of choice for backloads, most of the rates arent upto much but it got me home a couple of times, the loads arent anything to do with they just provide the webspace for the companys to advertise the loads they have available

something similar would be a good arm of trucknetuk me thinks.

something similar would be a good arm of trucknetuk me thinks.

I doubt that will ever happen.


av found some good loads home on over the years, but there is also the usuall crap that offer laughable rates

Do they do single or double pallets for a small van… :question:

Do they do single or double pallets for a small van… :question:

think thats more alomg the lines of the courier sites … eight.html

I had a look at it but couldn’t get it to go past the page where it asks you to use the route generator without actually giving a way of doing that. Got the latest Java installed, don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Do they do single or double pallets for a small van… :question:

think thats more alomg the lines of the courier sites … eight.html

Thanks, I know all about Courier Exchange but I am always on the look out for other sources for return loads. :slight_smile:

the chat on that site is pretty handy to have a look through

I’ve had another look at, and again, the route generator will not launch, despite me having the latest version of Flash installed. I spent time submitting feedback to them about it, using their feedback form, clicked submit and received this message.

jmail.SMTPMail error ‘8000ffff’

Error: 554 The following recipients could not be sent to:; 554 Recipient address rejected: Relay access denied

/feedback2.asp, line 19

Not the most professional site on the net, it has to be said…

I think is owned and operated by AAA Transport it used to be free to use a few years ago!

I think is owned and operated by AAA Transport it used to be free to use a few years ago!

A quick Whois lookup confirms that the contact details are AAA transport

Harry, you’re missing an “S” off the end. It’s which is a bag of spanners. is the only one worth a punt & has the best user interface.

Ah thank you, yes that’s better! :smiley:

does anyone know of fridge loads from central scotland,back down to the north west,my boss has got work up,but nothing down,

does anyone know of fridge loads from central scotland,back down to the north west,my boss has got work up,but nothing down,

Unfortunatly Scotland produces very little in the way of traffic south , what there is will no doubt carry a very poor rate , a great many operators are now attempting to charge for the empty return trip or just sub the traffic out to a Scottish haulier .