Returning to a previous firm you worked for?

Well the chance has come up for me to go back to the small family haulage firm I left this time last year
I only left because of the planner (who him self has gone now )
I will be doing curtain siders again but not many silly o’clock starts like containers
The only thing is I’ll be giving up a 24plt truck for either my old 68 plt XF or a 65 plt XF but no agency driving it when your off
Am I off my rocker going back or was I off my rocker leaving in 1st place as I was there 2 years ?
Ps I’ve also put on 2st doing boxes

Nowt wrong with going back. I’ve said that a few times on a Saturday morning waking up beside a familiar face!

You do what suits you, not what you think others may think mate. I’d go for it, especially the two stone bit, that’s never good for you.

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Thanks @maoster
And the fact I’ve never got rid of my inverter or CB and other bits
So I knew one day I would go back

Yep nowt wrong at all with going back if you know the job suits you, and when the dodgy planner has gone.

Why bother what you will be driving, it dont matter.
I now drive a motor I actually love, doing a job of work that I love, but I would go back in a heartbeat tomorrow if not 1 but actually 2 my old firms still existed, who were both good people to work for, who valued and looked after their drivers …not so much with my present firm sadly.
Jeez I’d even go back on an Actros working for them.:flushed: :joy:

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Yep do what suits you. I’ve just left one the easiest night jobs you will find to go and work out of Aldi!
Its graft compared to my previous place but good money for minimal hours and 5 minutes from my front door.
I’d have no problem going back to a previous place if something doesn’t work out :+1:

Long as you left on good terms no shame in going back.
I’d go back to place that gave me my first chance at driving granted was 15 years ago so might of changed a bit.
Only issue is the money they pay is rubbish

I’d go back to previous employer in a heartbeat, no shame in that. That’s why it’s always best to work your notice and don’t burn bridges. If you get on with them the door’s always open to return ;

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I left my now current boss on good terms to pursue a management career, but the company went bust. My boss rang me up last year, and asked me if I wanted my job back, same run, same truck, (I got brand new on a 69 plate) and couldn’t be happier.

I am now the custodian of a brand new V5 FH with a private plate saying my name, and I look upon the fact the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Sounds like a good boss that values you.
I’ve been in that situation before in the past, and it makes all the difference.

You do not realise how well off you were to you start working for a bunch of ■■■■ s.
Few and far between mate…stick with him.

ffs If i was you i would give up, you dont know what you do want ??.
you are very good at blaming someone else for the reason you left,
We have a wheelbarrow if you want to come and Drive that ? as thats about all you are fit for,

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