Restricted to 52mph......why?

Your only thinking of yourself, what about the trail behind…nusance.

Your only thinking of yourself, what about the trail behind…nusance.

Then overtake, and if your talking about singles it doesn’t matter because you will only be doing 40mph :wink:

Your only thinking of yourself, what about the trail behind…nusance.

I think you’ll find I’m much easier to pass at 50mph, than I am at 55/56, and trust me, things still overtook me at those speeds, just took them a LOT longer, and there was usually a vehicle waiting to overtake them whilst they were overtaking me.

I found 51mph was a good speed to run at, as I said, each to their own, I don’t force anyone to go slow or force anyone to go quick.

There’s actually a directive that says limiters have to be re set from 90 kmh to 85 kmh.

Not quite reset, but any vehicle registered after 1st January 1994 which exceed 12 tonnes gross vehicle weight needs a speed limiter fitted.

These vehicles are known as Category N3

Speed limiters should be set at a speed of not more than 85kmh (52.8mph) allowing a stabilised speed of not more than 90kmh (56mph)

BS AU 217 Part 1A 1987

Plates that refer to a maximum speed of 56mph must be changed as of 1st September 1997 to show 85kmh. Normally replacement plates will be supplied (free of charge) by VOSA when relevant vehicles are presented for annual test after this date.

France (nothing new here then) are issuing large fines to operators.


There’s actually a directive that says limiters have to be re set from 90 kmh to 85 kmh.

You’re extracting the urine. Can you back up that silly statement■■?

Can you refute it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:


There’s actually a directive that says limiters have to be re set from 90 kmh to 85 kmh.

You’re extracting the urine. Can you back up that silly statement■■?

Can you refute it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why would I need to, I didn’t make that statement? Or did I, lol?

upto a couple of months ago i used to work for a container firm that was one of the first to run at around 52 i was told it was for a couple of reasons one being fuel savings, the other being insurance as theres less chance of you running into the back of another lorry when your slower than everyone else. :unamused: although i dont think that excuse works anymore with more an more going down to 52 :laughing: :laughing:

49mph on motorways/duals unless im doing aberdeen or warrington then it is tipper mode :laughing:

44mph on singles so i keep the revs in green band on gear 12, if i done 40mph the gearbox would be a bag of bolts after a couple of years with the amount of changes it does.

My working life is stress free :sunglasses:

Reducing to 52mph will have nothing to do with your workmates death. Do you think 3-4mph less would have saved him? Its most likely someone freaking out over the fuel bill.

Wouldn’t like to limited down to 52mph right enough, even though i do less than 52mph because sometimes you need that extra umphhh so you don’t clash with other vehicles coming onto the motorway or going up a steep hill etc

I am only thinking of motorways more so on two lane motorways,I do run at about 51 53 when the road is not busy if you do it at other times you always get others who need to be past so when they pass all the cars vans ect stack up thats why I say drop the limit so we are all the same and not with each company with its own little speed limit,

But surely one is doing 50 and the other is doing 56 then he is by him…What is happening now with wagons creeping by as they are all limited to the same?

I dunno about anyone else but I find in Scotch that this isn’t really much of an issue,even the car drivers are more considerate.

Why would my lorry be restricted to 53 on the pedal but cruise stalk can take it to 55? I get 3 different speed readings anyway from cat computer, speedo and the information screen on the dash for some reason…

I think what you say is correct,when I am being overtaken by a truck that is only a bit quicker than me I only need lift a little bit and they are past and gone all it needs is a little cooperation .

I think what you say is correct,when I am being overtaken by a truck that is only a bit quicker than me I only need lift a little bit and they are past and gone all it needs is a little cooperation .

yeah, but then mpg’s are wasted getting back upto speed, not a prob if you run at a lower speed anyway though is it.

This doesn’t mean I agree with the limited speed being low, just happy to drive a touch slower.

Sometimes i switch my limiter on sometimes i don’t :wink:

It’s funny, when another driver tells me to speed up or there’s one load left to go, my top speed decreases. Has anyone else encountered this phenomenon?

We had all of our fleet restricted from 56mph to 53mph last year, to be honest i find it a lot more of a relaxing drive, especially on motorways where most trucks obertake me which leaves a nice big gap ahead, i find the only trucks i overtake now on the motorways are supermarket trucks

Overtake not obertake :blush:

It’s funny the o p has only made one post yet we are on two pages without any sort of reply etc from op. :unamused:

i asked the tacho guy at my local garage why there was a sticker on the drivers side window saying 85km/h which is 52mph but the speed limiter on the truck doesnt kick in till it is doing 90km/h which is 56mph.
the answer i got was that the law says it has too be set at 85km/h (52mph) but you can pay too have it set at 90km/h(56mph) as this is the 10% limit over the 85km/h that you can have

I fell out by DHL as i didnt go around with sticking to Speed Limit