Hello all this is my first ever post, got a few questions to ask regarding shifts starting at night and ends early hours, see below. May i have some advice regarding rest to be taken etc relating to the WTD, as the driving hours rules in this case is easier for me to wrap my head around.
Start: 1900
Finish 0600-0900
Start driving between 1900-2100
Rests minimum of 45+ minutes
Other Work (X-Hammers) Varies in times
Other work conducted at either a single of multiple drop(s)
1. If i start and end at the times above (roughly), regarding the rules for WTD, outside of drivers hours, roughly at what point (times) will i be required to take my rests etc?
2a. Will i be required to put my tacho on rest when i’m resting under WTD although i’m still legal under drivers hour?
2b. If during my driving and i’m only 2 hours in (for example), will i be required to stop and rest (changing the tacho) to stay legal under WTD?
3. Is there a way for viewing shift activities outside of downloading the card and printing from the Tacho?
I’ve done a couple of shifts already, and although on downloading my card there are no infringements being displayed (pictures taken), i’d rather not fall fowl of VOSA should the i ever be stopped on a random spot check thinking i’m doing the right thing when i’m really not?!
Thank you all for taking your time and all advice greatly appreciated.
To keep it tidy, I’ve merged your two topics into one. dd.