Resize photo for avatar

I cant get this photo down to the right size to put it as my avatar pic, can someone please help


I hope this works for you:


No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

I hope this works for you:

Pretty cramped, I’d imagine. :laughing:

I hope this works for you:


Cheers mate, I couldnt sus it out :smiley:

No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

Its really good. flat floor, loads of storage, well built, comfy bunk, buttons in rear for night heater, radio, lights, etc. The seat is like a pilots, loads of adjustment and heated seat :smiley:

Its a nice place to work and rest., rate it over the XF, hopefully the gaffer will get these in september rather than more XF’s, ive been given the job of showing its going to be better value for money in the long run, I would imagine these retail abit higher than the DAF.


No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

I hope this works for you:

Pretty cramped, I’d imagine. :laughing:



No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

Its really good. flat floor, loads of storage, well built, comfy bunk, buttons in rear for night heater, radio, lights, etc. The seat is like a pilots, loads of adjustment and heated seat :smiley:

Its a nice place to work and rest., rate it over the XF, hopefully the gaffer will get these in september rather than more XF’s, ive been given the job of showing its going to be better value for money in the long run, I would imagine these retail abit higher than the DAF.

Is it the full auto or has it got the clutch and pre-select?

I used to average over 9.1mpg out of the pre-select model, but only 8.7 out of the auto until I started using it as a semi. And that was on containers.

They are a good motor if a little gutless, but I just used to chug along, 50mph cruise (limited to 52 anyway) leaving me a little in the tank for overtaking and let it drop right down on hills, 1000rpm before I’d drop a gear etc. No rush in my opinion and on a timed run from Leeds to Southampton, I was 4 mins 30 seconds behind a pedal to the floor type driver and I think he was speeding on the A34 lol.

The max difference possible would’ve been 12 minutes if he ran all the way at 52 and I did at 50, but obviously traffic etc affects that, and that’s a 245 - 250 mile trip.

Obviously 56mph limited trucks will make more of a difference, but rarely would it be a massive difference.



No a bad looking motor. What’s it like on the inside?

Its really good. flat floor, loads of storage, well built, comfy bunk, buttons in rear for night heater, radio, lights, etc. The seat is like a pilots, loads of adjustment and heated seat :smiley:

Its a nice place to work and rest., rate it over the XF, hopefully the gaffer will get these in september rather than more XF’s, ive been given the job of showing its going to be better value for money in the long run, I would imagine these retail abit higher than the DAF.

Is it the full auto or has it got the clutch and pre-select?

I used to average over 9.1mpg out of the pre-select model, but only 8.7 out of the auto until I started using it as a semi. And that was on containers.

They are a good motor if a little gutless, but I just used to chug along, 50mph cruise (limited to 52 anyway) leaving me a little in the tank for overtaking and let it drop right down on hills, 1000rpm before I’d drop a gear etc. No rush in my opinion and on a timed run from Leeds to Southampton, I was 4 mins 30 seconds behind a pedal to the floor type driver and I think he was speeding on the A34 lol.

The max difference possible would’ve been 12 minutes if he ran all the way at 52 and I did at 50, but obviously traffic etc affects that, and that’s a 245 - 250 mile trip.

Obviously 56mph limited trucks will make more of a difference, but rarely would it be a massive difference.

Its an auto, but you can use it as a manual, no clutch though. I am limited to 50 aswel, it changes down at about 1100rpm where my XF would change down when it saw a hill, the whole point of a diesel engine is to use the torque low down as much as possible. It is showing better mpg than the XF already on the same run and its only got 10k on so engine is still fairly new, its a 460 but as its a V6 its got more torque, I defo wouldnt say it was gutless, just uses the rev range better. The exhaust/engine brake works a treat, All in all im very impressed. :smiley:

Aren’t most trucks V6?

Aren’t most trucks V6?

No, alot are a straight 6, ie the 105 XF :slight_smile:

Will you be running up to Eggers with it I see a few of you going through Sanquhar every day so I will maybe get a photo sometime. Eddie.

Will you be running up to Eggers with it I see a few of you going through Sanquhar every day so I will maybe get a photo sometime. Eddie.

Yeah I get in there to load alot, mainly at night when its less quiet, only 1 weigh bridge on atm so its fun when there is a que to get in/out.

Just to get back on thread, I have managed to resize mine (ooer missus :laughing: ) but can,t seem to set it as my avatar, can one of you do me a step by step idiots guide :unamused: so I can get it up,( oh no another double entendre :laughing: )

would someone be able to resize this picture for my avatar. Thanks


I just open it in paint and reduce the percentages then save it as new

would someone be able to resize this picture for my avatar. Thanks

Hi fodentanker,

I’ve had a little play with your pic and resized it for you.

Here’s your original pic, but ONLY resized:


Here’s your pic resized, but I’ve also also enhanced the colour and contrast a little:


The new size (of both) is 80x60 pixels, so you shouldn’t encounter any problem with using either pic as an avatar, cos the max size of avatar is 80x80 pixels.

You can use whichever one you like now mate. :smiley:

Thanks DieselDave.
I have been trying for weeks to resize that picture.
You are a star.

Thanks DieselDave.
I have been trying for weeks to resize that picture.
You are a star.

Hi fodentanker,

I thought you might choose that one, it does look good as an avatar.

I’m glad to have helped. :smiley: