Request for a "Test Forum"

Given how different this board is to the old one I think it might be a good idea to have a test forum in the “Out of Hours” section.

My thinking is that this should be set up so topics and replies are automatically (or manually by the mods/admin team) deleted after 24 hours or whatever specific period of time the admin/webby thinks appropriate.

This would give the members somewhere to learn how to use the features of the board such as posting, replying, quoting, linking, uploading pictures and setting up polls ec’t and generally learn some of the features of the board without spoiling existing threads.

Should There Be a “Test Forum” ?
  • YES - That would be helpful :smiley:
  • NO - It’s not necessary :frowning_face:
  • What’s a Poll ? :confused:
  • I’m too Stupid to have an opinion :nauseated_face:
0 voters

For what it`s worth there is an attempt at a thread to help each other out New site 2024
but it is less (by a lot) than perfect.

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Yep test.Like something along the lines of the big clear old preview post option that went with the others like quote and edit in a different universe before the fateful nuke strike day zero.

On a pc you can still preview your post before submitting it, in fact it’s now better because you preview it in real time as you type.

You can also still edit your own posts just as always.

This board is very different to the old one and there are things that I would like to see changed, but overall I’m beginning to like it.

Might be best to keep that last sentence between me and you or I might get lynched :grinning:

How does that work tachograph ?.
I’m using my phone no longer have a PC and the control buttons worked exactly the same on the old tnet board using the phone touch screen as a PC keyboard or mouse click.
The preview and quote buttons appeared and were used just the same with the exception of the loss of the edit control on premod.There doesn’t seem to be any such clear controls on this board let alone the old colour highlights control board for quotes.
Also no similar direct control to see and access historical pages and posts.Many of them seeming to have been wiped out anyway even if they can be found.
Put them both side by side the ‘old’ board was more advanced and simpler to use in operation and definitely future proof regarding smart phone access.

Admittedly there doesn’t appear to be a preview on the mobile, there is still a quote button on the mobile but it’s shaped like a speech bubble that’s all.

edit: If by historical posts you mean your posts, on a mobile tap the 3 horizontal lines at the top right of the screen then select “My Posts”, from there you have various options to view your posts or topics that you’ve posted in.

It turns out that there is a preview on the mobile version of this site, it’s the same on the mobile app.

When you’re drafting a post look at the bottom right just under the post text box and press the icon that looks like a TV screen, you will see a preview of your post, whilst in preview mode press the edit icon at the bottom right to return to edit mode.

Discord is the gift that just keeps giving :grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

Thanks Tachograph anyone could be forgiven for missing the big clear buttons labelled Preview, Edit and Submit and last but not least the …quote button.

[quote=“tachograph, post:1, topic:237524, full:true”]
Given how different this board is to the old one I think it might be a good idea to have a test forum in the “Out of Hours” section.

My thinking is that this should be set up so topics and replies are automatically (or manually by the mods/admin team) deleted after 24 hours or whatever specific period of time the admin/webby thinks appropriate.

This would give the members somewhere to learn how to use the features of the board such as posting, replying, quoting, linking, uploading pictures and setting up polls ec’t and generally learn some of the features of the board without spoiling existing threads.

[poll type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]

Should There Be a “Test Forum” ?

I see that this has been given a stiff ignoring !

Given how different this board is to the old one I think it might be a good idea to have a test forum in the “Out of Hours” section.

I’ve made a new forum for testing and practicing, but the only difference to your excellent suggestion is that I’ve placed it where those with scrolling difficulies will still find it. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s here:


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