Hi All
I have a 2011 premium 460, on start up when cold it revs itself then the engine appears to struggle, When driven a few miles everything is normal, any info appreciated.
Hi All
I have a 2011 premium 460, on start up when cold it revs itself then the engine appears to struggle, When driven a few miles everything is normal, any info appreciated.
dont know about 11 plates but the 14 volvos(same eng) automatically rev on start up to build the air up the struggle is when the exhauster kicks in ,never thought it was good idea to rev cold eng …does it drop to idle when brake pressed or park released .
As far as am aware they all do it, the idea being that by the time you have done your daily walk round check properly the oils will have
warmed a bit before you drive off and use full revs.Anyways that’s happen with the 10plate i drove.
Pressing the foot brake or releasing handbrake makes no difference, the only way is to just tickle the throttle which puts it to idle. It revs although air pressure is right up, noticed today after driving 80 mile that the exhauster is coming on while ticking over hot until the throttle is touched, makes me wonder if something is sticking.
Kitcat=i don’t do much posting so bear with me, what i should have said is on start up in mornings engine automatically runs fast
(controlled by ecu) then after a few mins returns to normal idle. Don’t know if this time or temp controlled but always wait for
normal idle before moving away, truck has never been a problem. It does seem your one has a fault, perhaps good idea to have
dealer or someone with right kit to plug into yours and check for faults.