Renault Magnum Pics.....

I think the green one next to the red is my dads

It was a great looking truck for it’s time, nothing came near it for drivers requirements.
To some it was a game changer

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Still seeing one or two per shift earning their keep.

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Was my favourite truck growing up, they just looked the b ollcks to me. Never got in one.
Just seen this old thread :laughing:

So for members more experienced than me… what where they like to drive?

What specs were available for you blokes?
We got them, rebadged as Mack Magnum, fitted with an E7 Mack engine, 18 speed RoadRanger and Rockwell drive axles.

A few.

My experience was a feeling of open space especially sitting in the drivers seat, if you were used to the scania 143 which was like a drivers wrap around cockpit then it was strange in the magnum
You had an arm rest on the seat and the door to lean on but still felt like you were sitting on top of a balloon in mid air and feeling every bit of cab roll
When you got used to it the truck was nice and comfortable to drive and a trampers dream for space
Maybe if scania volvo or Mercedes had made it things would have been different
At the time renault had a very bad reputation for electrical problems and didn’t hold their values very well so they were cheap second hand
Just my 2 cents

I’m sure that, as a child, the Magnum was the first truck I saw out and about and took notice of. It stood out so much against what was around at the time.

Having never had a chance to drive one and i’m sure that boat has sailed, I did watch this on YT a while ago to get a feel for them.

2008 Renault Magnum (460hp) Full Tour & Test Drive (

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That last one was my dads :heart: