Remember my begging post for T&D?

Remember that post I made begging for people to do a questionnaire for me for T&D? Just a quick note to say the resulting feature is in this month’s issue and a big THANKYOU to all of you who did the deed. :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Rigid drivers, I mentioned we needed to cover you too, and so we will, in a month or two’s time. :wink: :sunglasses:

At the end of the day we can’t run stuff about you guys, the drivers, without the input of you guys, the drivers, so a pat on the back all 'round is thoroughly in order. :grimacing: :wink:

Thanks also to the people who I contacted directly and who helped with the Diabetes feature, also in this month. :grimacing:

Until next time…(Which may well be sometime over this weekend, as it goes…) :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue: :grimacing:

Do I have to buy the rag to read it or can I read it free on line

Best place to read if for free is Leicester Forest East Southbound. The magazine racks in WHSmiths are out of view of the cashiers there, so no-one can see you rifling…

…Don’t thank me, my invoice is in the post! :grimacing: