Relaxation of hours... please help with rest!


I currentl drive a gas tanker and we have a period for relaxation of our hours due to adverse weather conditions…

im in a bit of a query though about my rest…

the period of relaxtion was from 28th march 12.00 noon through until 8th april…

my last wekkly rest of 45 hours was sun 24th march and Monday 25th march…

I started work back on the 26th and I have worked through until today ( 31st) and I plan on working through until Friday 5th of april which gives me my eleven days before I need the 24 hour rest period stated in the relaxation…

but one thing is a bit confusing with one of the points in the relaxtion, which is:

  • Postponing the weekly rest requirement until 23:59 on wedensday 3 april, following which drivers should take their weekly rest as normal. drivers however will be required to take minimum rest of 24hrs beginning no later then the end day of the 11th day since the end of his last weekly rest period.

so is this trying to say by the end of 3rd april I need to have 24hrs rest… on the 3rd april it will be my 9th day at work straight through… any help appreciated if you understand it.