Refrigerated trailers

Hey everyone. I posted on here a few months ago but now i am back with a question.

I am a new pass who is starting a job in 2 weeks… ongoing and tramping… just what i wanted.

Any tips drom you guys about refrigerated trailers and sleeping in the cab with one hooked up the tractor unit would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance

Oh i have been doing regular refresher lessons to keep it fresh in my mind.

Not every bodies cup of tea but you’ll get used to it :unamused:
Others on here will be more experienced but ask others on the firm what they do. Some firms have strict does and don’ts but if it’s ok chill it down before you park up and then switch it onto the cycle where it ticks over all night rather than it cutting in and out. The vibrations might upset your sleep which is why you see units pulled slightly forward from the trailer(remember trailer legs!!!). You will make friends easily with a fridge running all night in a lorry park so be prepared for some abuse.
Good luck and enjoy.

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From what i have seen about Fridge Trailers / Work give them a [zb] BIG miss, 25 hours a day 8 days a week and even that will not be enough , and from what i have seen of the rates ? the Pay has to be Crap, The only good thing is you will never need a house to live in ,make sure you pick a nice Lay-By to have your time off in though lol.

Mod’s edit:
Auto censor dodge removed

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Yeah each to their own. Never bothered me, but I am strange. See some drivers uncoupling and parking behind the trailer.
Do enjoy the look of horror on faces when you pull in though, fridge running :laughing: You pay your money you take your chance on MSAs.

Aye here’s a tip…
If you see me parked with curtains up, dont park next to me.:grin:

I’ve done a little bit of fridge work, but could never sleep with fridge running.
I needed my beauty sleep to much, to maintain my ravishing looks for the laydeeez.:sunglasses: :joy:

If the only spot left is next to you then I’m having it. Paid the same so enjoy the Thermo king rumble :laughing:


The pay is fantastic actually

Rob you could sleep for a year and never maintain your ravishing looks :wink::rofl::rofl:

I managed 36 years driving lorries without one with a frigo, 'till I got here in France and I got a job straight away pulling one.

The above is exactly what I did, but it was a worry in case it should be nicked in the night. Maybe invest in a kingpin lock? Just remember to take it off before you back under in the morning though. :rofl:

As regards other drivers being disturbed, there are a few places with special spots for frigos, one I remember is La Belle Cantiniere on the N10 north of Angouleme. :grinning:

Hey mate…I dont come on here to be insulted.:rage:

I can go home for that.:joy: