Referring to previous posts

We need to rethink the way we reply to posts with pictures. In the old TN, if we wanted to refer to a previous post with a photo, we would say ‘The Leyland further up the page,’ or ‘Regarding the ERF on page 26 of this thread’. But now there are no ‘pages’ we are adrift. I’m seeing post after post referring to a picture that might be anywhere. It might be a last week’s post or it might be from 15 years ago.
We need to start reposting the picture in question – something I’ve always done anyway. I’m sure I’m not alone in scrolling up a few posts and if I can’t see the picture I just give up and move on. Which is a shame.

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If referring to a picture then click on the black reply arrow, bottom right of the post, not the blue reply at bottom of thread, then in your reply there will a link to the post being responded to.
If there are multiple pics in that post then you will need to say which one is relevant.

You can also state the post number, as displayed on the right hand side

That’s precisely what’s going wrong. People are clearly hitting the blue arrow so you can see that it’s les_sylphides you are answering, but if les_sylphides has posted twenty other posts this week no one is any the wiser.

that’s helpful :+1:

If you click on the note of the original post, top right in the reply it should open up the exact post being referred to.

Also helpful :+1:

Reposting the pic is by far the best method I reckon :wink:

Or multiple posts, from the poster, to whom you refer, when you post.
The ‘below the post’ arrow is no guarantee that it’s going to direct the reply.

I have no post numbers.

Nor have I

On desktop mode I have post numbers in black on the right of the post.
On my phone it is in blue bottom right.

This’ll be 11/11 probably.

Gotcha. So that’s what they are! I’ll demand that instead of a grid-reference next time I see, ‘I would have like to have driven that’ in a post with no picture in it :rofl:

If you click the black arrow top right, it should take you to post 4 with no need to scroll.

I clicked on the black reply button to the right of that post.

I am confused, those numbers at the right only signify the post that you are reading and the total number in the thread so far. For example I am replying to 12/13 and in no way does it tell me where to find the post referred to. :roll_eyes:

Tapping on the poster’s name takes you back to the post he is quoting. :wink:

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Excellent! Now we’re getting somewhere. Thank you! :grinning:

[PS a bit slow with this technology: too much Nesquick in my milk as a child. I might damn them for sewages :wink:]


To go to the first or last posts in a thread click the date or time at the top or bottom of the post slider.

To jump to a particular post number, on a PC hit the hash key # on your keyboard and a jump to box opens, you can then jump to the post number or post date.

On an Android mobile you will see two blue numbers at the bottom of the screen, tap them and the jump to box opens in the bottom left hand corner, partly hidden by the paint pallet icon.

Edit: I some how managed to post the same reply twice so I’ve deleted the first one :confounded:

Blimey! If Nesquik was bad for you, how did we all survive this long?
Must have been all the “e numbers” in Mother’s Pride sliced white :smile:

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