Reduced 9 Hour Rest

I would say max 12 hour shift with 12off

That ought to be the rule for day/night shifts allowing for 24 hour operations
For those doing overnights the rules need to be different


I would say max 12 hour shift with 12off

That ought to be the rule for day/night shifts allowing for 24 hour operations
For those doing overnights the rules need to be different


To my mind, 12 hours at work is more than enough for a day (or night) man and doing a longer shift should be very much the exception rather than the norm. I also consider it unreasonable to expect anyone going home at the end of a shift to be back in work only 9 hours later, especially if they’ve just done (or are about to start) a long shift.

But it’ll never change.

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I don’t care what tacho, wtd or any other rules say. My rules says, that unless I’m tramping I always have 11 hours off.
Take it or leave it !
I will be flexible with a lot of things. Sleep and safety are not one of them. About time that lorry drivers stopped being such ■■■■■■■, and get bullied into a lifestyle they’re not happy about.


Would be much happier with being able to do 15 every day or 9 off every night.

Yeh really? :open_mouth:
Are the ridiculous amount of hours we are allowed (and in many cases expected) to work now already, not enough for you.

does it not make any difference as to the type of work your on,or yur own prefference?
id think 11 hours is quite ok for day men,but if im working away then its usually trip dosh,and in that case,then 9 hours is well more than enough to get your scran,unwind a tad,then have a decent kip before crackingon the next day.
if you need an 11 ,then by all means take one,though as we all know,theres probably someone else in here apart from me that just fiddles it to suit anyway so it really makes no odds at the end of the day.
being abroad has its merits for nice places to take an extended break as and when the occasion arises,other than that the best your getting is grubbed up and a pint in some pub if you dont have a preference for your time off and being self sufficient in the cab.
if they are pressured and bullied into doing it,then more fool them,otherwise,work as long as suits you,and kip accordingly works best.

Reckon we’ve been here before DD on differing opinions on trip money mate. :smiley: and we aint ever going to agree.
If it suits you fair play, but the way I see it is ‘they’ only obviously onlh use that system because ‘they’ know the driver will do the run asap, as that benefits both parties financially.
We both know without saying that it encourages bent running in more cases than it doesn’t, the firm don’t give a ■■■■ because 9 times out of 10 the driver bears most of the brunt if caught as they are doing it voluntarty rather than forced into it, or officially instructed to do so.
In my opinion if it was made illegal for those reasons, (and I’m surprised it hasn’t tbh) then companies would be forced to pay a proper and realistic hourly rate for the job, which then would be done legally,.with no need to run in an arse on fire way.
Most probably the driver would then be better off financially…and most definitely less fatigued. :bulb:

We both know it’s virtually a culture among Irish based drivers, but would you not agree that it could also be interpreted as driver exploitation ?
Like I said mate, we’re never gonna agree on it. :smiley:

Using 9 hours to a tee is definitely not enough unless you manage to get your tea before hand. Spot of paperwork, shower, food bit of wind down time plus back up, dressed breakfast etc and 9 rest / sleep becomes more like 5 or 6 hours real time sleeping.

Using 9 hours to a tee is definitely not enough unless you manage to get your tea before hand. Spot of paperwork, shower, food bit of wind down time plus back up, dressed breakfast etc and 9 rest / sleep becomes more like 5 or 6 hours real time sleeping.

Exactly, …and how is that condusive to Health and Safety ffs.
Working another 15 hours, 10 of which are in charge of 44 tonnes with eyes sticking out like bulldog’s ■■■■■■■■.

It’s ■■■■ rich when we all have to coform to dog ■■■■ like walking around dressed as clowns on some sites, and not allowed to do this that and the ■■■■ other, but when a GENUINE Health & Safety issue (which applies to BOTH categories btw :bulb: ) comes about it’s just conveniently ignored and allowed to exist and continue. :unamused:

So 95% of the employed workers in the UK are maxed out at 12hr work a day with a sensible weekly max…yet like lambs to the slaughter are the so called “Professional drivers” wanting to do silly hours ?

Reckon we’ve been here before DD on differing opinions on trip money mate. :smiley: and we aint ever going to agree.
If it suits you fair play, but the way I see it is ‘they’ only obviously onlh use that system because ‘they’ know the driver will do the run asap, as that benefits both parties financially.
We both know without saying that it encourages bent running in more cases than it doesn’t, the firm don’t give a [zb] because 9 times out of 10 the driver bears most of the brunt if caught as they are doing it voluntarty rather than forced into it, or officially instructed to do so.
In my opinion if it was made illegal for those reasons, (and I’m surprised it hasn’t tbh) then companies would be forced to pay a proper and realistic hourly rate for the job, which then would be done legally,.with no need to run in an arse on fire way.
Most probably the driver would then be better off financially…and most definitely less fatigued. :bulb:

We both know it’s virtually a culture among Irish based drivers, but would you not agree that it could also be interpreted as driver exploitation ?
Like I said mate, we’re never gonna agree on it. :smiley:

i do agree…on principal.
if you are paid by hours,then much to the great demise of the industry of britain,then the attitude is usually how can i do as little as possible for as much as possible.
im aware its illegal to offer financial incentives to entice drivers to work illegal hours or speed ect and ive no idea as to how we still get away with working on trip money which is useless unless you want to run bent,plus legal or not,theres always pressure on you to make the boat.
doing it legal means you get a pretty decent wage anyway,doing it bent means you get mega wages if it suits you.
sometimes i want 11 hours and kip till i wake then go with the flow,other times 9 hours is well more than enough,i just work it to suit me and the load as best i can with a happy medium for all concerned.
id reckon theres more accidents caused by tiredness due to drivers working to suit the clock than from running bent as yu only need to look at all the pileups caused by brain dead boredom and unsocial hours tiredness couped with boring trucks and speed limiters.
if your running bent because your bullied into it by the firm,then you are a fool to yourself though if thats the way the job is when you start,youve only yourself to blame.
i pity the poor sods you see parked up on a sunny day at tea time with the curtains shut as you can be sure when their 11 is up at stupid oclock,then an hour after starting their eyes will be clean hanging.
fridge work is always time critical and the incompetence of planners always bounces down to the driver.
if we got paid what some of us are worth,then it would be a great job in that respect,though at that point,you would need to work whatever hours would be available to you legally which to me just ■■■■■ as i cant be stopping when im full of beans nor starting when i want to be sleeping.
if i get 6 hours in my kip then im as fresh as a daisy and i just want to crack on.
wake up,card in,quick pee,see the back doors aint been tanned,then heavy pedal.
sitting for 11 hours off somewhere i dont want to be would drive me up the wall,whereas 11 hours in la jonquera for example is simply just not enough… :smiley:


Reckon we’ve been here before DD on differing opinions on trip money mate. :smiley: and we aint ever going to agree.
If it suits you fair play, but the way I see it is ‘they’ only obviously onlh use that system because ‘they’ know the driver will do the run asap, as that benefits both parties financially.
We both know without saying that it encourages bent running in more cases than it doesn’t, the firm don’t give a [zb] because 9 times out of 10 the driver bears most of the brunt if caught as they are doing it voluntarty rather than forced into it, or officially instructed to do so.
In my opinion if it was made illegal for those reasons, (and I’m surprised it hasn’t tbh) then companies would be forced to pay a proper and realistic hourly rate for the job, which then would be done legally,.with no need to run in an arse on fire way.
Most probably the driver would then be better off financially…and most definitely less fatigued. :bulb:

We both know it’s virtually a culture among Irish based drivers, but would you not agree that it could also be interpreted as driver exploitation ?
Like I said mate, we’re never gonna agree on it. :smiley:

i do agree…on principal.
if you are paid by hours,then much to the great demise of the industry of britain,then the attitude is usually how can i do as little as possible for as much as possible.
im aware its illegal to offer financial incentives to entice drivers to work illegal hours or speed ect and ive no idea as to how we still get away with working on trip money which is useless unless you want to run bent,plus legal or not,theres always pressure on you to make the boat.
doing it legal means you get a pretty decent wage anyway,doing it bent means you get mega wages if it suits you.
sometimes i want 11 hours and kip till i wake then go with the flow,other times 9 hours is well more than enough,i just work it to suit me and the load as best i can with a happy medium for all concerned.
id reckon theres more accidents caused by tiredness due to drivers working to suit the clock than from running bent as yu only need to look at all the pileups caused by brain dead boredom and unsocial hours tiredness couped with boring trucks and speed limiters.
if your running bent because your bullied into it by the firm,then you are a fool to yourself though if thats the way the job is when you start,youve only yourself to blame.
i pity the poor sods you see parked up on a sunny day at tea time with the curtains shut as you can be sure when their 11 is up at stupid oclock,then an hour after starting their eyes will be clean hanging.
fridge work is always time critical and the incompetence of planners always bounces down to the driver.
if we got paid what some of us are worth,then it would be a great job in that respect,though at that point,you would need to work whatever hours would be available to you legally which to me just ■■■■■ as i cant be stopping when im full of beans nor starting when i want to be sleeping.
if i get 6 hours in my kip then im as fresh as a daisy and i just want to crack on.
wake up,card in,quick pee,see the back doors aint been tanned,then heavy pedal.
sitting for 11 hours off somewhere i dont want to be would drive me up the wall,whereas 11 hours in la jonquera for example is simply just not enough… :smiley:

Ok bud fair comments …looks like we’re on maybe not the same, but very similar wavelength after all then eh? :smiley:

yep…do the job that suits you the way you want to do it.
i had a go at tosco/agency for a couple of years but just couldnt take the brain numbing boredom and just found it demeaning to be working for such plebs in the office .
your job looks like a happy medium but i still prefer to fiddle my way through the day.
even jobs that are daily paid means a full card is a full day,or at least 12 hours if they mess it up and theres nothing for you.
if i wanted a day job then the shortest shift possible would be the way to go,but if tramping and your runs in front of you,then id rather just get it done and collapse later.