Red Yellow

So red or yellow 1st when hooking up ? Settle a disagreement please thxs

'ellow! :wink:

always yellow.
if you have the handbrake on then attach the red airline, your trailer brakes will be released.
if you attach the yellow airline first then the red, the trailer brakes will stay on.

I agree with Phil but you wouldn’t need to worry about what order because you would have checked the trailer brake is on along with your checks of the trailer before you’ve even hooked up :wink:

always yellow.
if you have the handbrake on then attach the red airline, your trailer brakes will be released.
if you attach the yellow airline first then the red, the trailer brakes will stay on.

Didn’t realise a tech answer was required but absolutely agree! :wink:

always yellow.
if you have the handbrake on then attach the red airline, your trailer brakes will be released.
if you attach the yellow airline first then the red, the trailer brakes will stay on.

some unit park brakes dont operate the trailer park brake, so when you connect red line the trailer brakes will blow off regardless as to wether the yellow line is connected or not. personaly I’ve allways put red line on first. if your concerned about trailer brake releasing when hooking up, then check the trailer brake is applied before backing under the trailer. and/or double check the unit park brake is applied before getting on the back to connect lines :wink:

you wouldn’t need to worry about what order because you would have checked the trailer brake is on along with your checks of the trailer before you’ve even hooked up

you beat me to it :wink:

its been said on another thread.
why arn’t the trailer brakes on the headboard as standard?
much safer in my eyes.

its been said on another thread.
why arn’t the trailer brakes on the headboard as standard?
much safer in my eyes.

Most supermarket ones are but i think but that’s because they are shunted a lot.

It depends which side you climb up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It depends which side you climb up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the start of a new thread.
“which side do i climb up?” :laughing:


It depends which side you climb up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the start of a new thread.
“which side do i climb up?” :laughing:

I`m sure somebody will ask :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: along with does the card machine in cab take Visa :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



It depends which side you climb up :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

the start of a new thread.
“which side do i climb up?” :laughing:

I`m sure somebody will ask :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: along with does the card machine in cab take Visa :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Not so silly. the fleet at our depot have catwalk steps on either near or off side. I work from the side furthest from the step backwards so it could be red or yellow depending on position of the plugs and suzie connections.

our company supplies midget croatians, we keep them in the side locker. very handy for hooking up a fridge.
sometimes when we park up, we put them in a pit and watch them fight.

Also, when taking air lines OFF, the yellow line removal tends to see some “settle” from any pumped-up suspension. I would suggest therefore that when taking lines OFF, one does it the other way around. Red first, so one is ensured the brakes are well and truly ON, before you pull the yellow line, and the trailer then sags a few inches because of the suspension pump-up. :sunglasses:
For split couplers, having that “few inches of settle” squish you against the A frame because the damned thing can still roll (red air line not pulled first/red brake not applied first) is NOT good is it? :open_mouth:

Now… What idiot does aiir lines with the legs still/already UP? :stuck_out_tongue:

our company supplies midget croatians, we keep them in the side locker. very handy for hooking up a fridge.
sometimes when we park up, we put them in a pit and watch them fight.

we use ethiopians , they cant run much further than your average croation we find … :wink:

Red, only because its furthest away and i dont want to get covered in ■■■■. If on a hill which is rare, the handbrake is used anyway so doesnt matter.

The way I do it when coupling is furthest to closest and uncoupling closest to furthest…
Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2

Always the furthest one away from your sleeves and trouser legs, no other reason apart from common sense

Also, when taking air lines OFF, the yellow line removal tends to see some “settle” from any pumped-up suspension.

Can’t get me head around this.

Why does the air suspension drop/settle when you pull the yellow line?
The yellow line only supplies the service brake.

The suspension and the brakes are seperate systems, and the suspension system takes it’s feed from the red airline.


Also, when taking air lines OFF, the yellow line removal tends to see some “settle” from any pumped-up suspension.

Can’t get me head around this.

Why does the air suspension drop/settle when you pull the yellow line?
The yellow line only supplies the service brake.

The suspension and the brakes are seperate systems, and the suspension system takes it’s feed from the red airline.

winseers getting confused with his red and yellow, hes thinking about working tax credits and jobseekers allowance