Recruitment drivers


I dont understand where your coming from rob

Looks at the IP address’s from two different posters in this thread, and wonders if they really are that naive :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

First he tries to spam the forums under a thinly veiled disguise of seeking information, then registers under a different name and doesn’t even have the sense to disguise his identity :open_mouth:

Not much of an advert for the agency is it :unamused:




I dont understand where your coming from rob

Looks at the IP address’s from two different posters in this thread, and wonders if they really are that naive :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :unamused: :unamused:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

First he tries to spam the forums under a thinly veiled disguise of seeking information, then registers under a different name and doesn’t even have the sense to disguise his identity :open_mouth:

Not much of an advert for the agency is it :unamused:

I’ve quoted this before: ‘all agencies (staff) are lying cheating scumbags’ and I wouldn’t trust any one of them as far as I could throw a DAF XF with trailer attached, fully loaded with big heavy things… :laughing:

i know a couple of hauliers that hate them as well… :laughing:

they have good rates though?

8 hour minimum shift with £20 night out allowance

Class1 - £10.50 monday to friday (day) - night - £11.50

And these are PAYE rates then, seeing as you earlier stated you don’t use brolly companies? What’s the overtime rate after 8 hrs?

class 2 - £9.25 monday - friday (day) - night -£10.25

weekends (saturday) (sunday)

Class 1 - £12.00 £13.00

LMFAO :laughing: . Are you having a giraffe? :open_mouth:

Class 2 - £11.00 £12.00

Bank holidays
class 1 - £14.00
class 2 -£13.00

More LOLs.

I’ve quoted this before: ‘all agencies (staff) are lying cheating scumbags’ and I wouldn’t trust any one of them as far as I could throw a DAF XF with trailer attached, fully loaded with big heavy things… :laughing:

i know a couple of hauliers that hate them as well… :laughing:

I’m no fan of agencies myself, but this blokes stupidity makes some of the others look quite good :laughing:

If any of his competitors see this thread, I bet they’ll be ■■■■■■■ themselves laughing at him :grimacing:

DaveyG & Mr … just goes to show they may run a company but know sod all about the internet & that your IP address is logged where ever you go on the internet. I though even 5 yr olds knew that!!! :open_mouth:

If any of his competitors see this thread, I bet they’ll be ■■■■■■■ themselves laughing at him

We have removed some of the spamming threads, and the advert above with their rates in it we would also normally remove , but this thread is getting funny enough to leave them, I am sure members here will be able to judge for themselves if they wish to work for this guy and these rates :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

I do agree he hasn’t exactly done himself any favours though :wink:


DaveyG does your social worker know your on the internet?
Care in the community is just not working for you is it you complete numpty!! :laughing:

does your mum know im banging her?

senior member rob k, it has come to my attention that you are very obsessed with this forum bull. You clearly have no life and live behind your screen. They are the rates you like them you like them.If you dont you dont. Occupy yourself elsewhere the fact you’ve become a senior member on here is actually jokes.
Im sure River Drive will have lots of drivers who are happy with there service

I cannot be bothered wasting my time any more on this.

Errr, you do realise you’ve been sussed ? :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

I see you’ve edited the post now :laughing:

sussed? you dont even know who it is :laughing:

sussed? you dont even know who it is :laughing:

nor does anyone care who you are I imagine…

but you should do driver hire is next

does your mum know im banging her?

If you can do that your one hell of bloke as she’s been dead 10 years & we cremated her!

You still dont realise the IP address linking you do you?

senior member rob k, it has come to my attention that you are very obsessed with this forum bull. You clearly have no life and live behind your screen. They are the rates you like them you like them.If you dont you dont. Occupy yourself elsewhere the fact you’ve become a senior member on here is actually jokes.
Im sure River Drive will have lots of drivers who are happy with there service

I cannot be bothered wasting my time any more on this.

It was a straightforward question : what are your overtime rates after 8 hours for class 1 days and nights? How can you expect anyone to come to work for you if you can’t be bothered to answer a simple question but instead resort to insulting your potential workers? :open_mouth:

And I ask again : are those PAYE rates?



In my experience, Agency drivers are only good for crashing motors…

Ok then, I’ll give up my class 1 ambitions. Sorry

Becoming a class 1 driver dosn’t mean that you are obliged to use an agency. Knock on some doors and blag your way to the top of the list.


but you should do driver hire is next

You might get away with it if you post from a different IP that resolves to a different address than the one your using now, the one that resolves down to the same postal address as the recruitment agency that started this thread :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

I really would quit now before you make yourself/ company look any worse

£1.50 extra overtime hours


Well, if I ever needed an incentive to cling on for dear life to the full time job I currently have - this thread is it.

Agencies = scum.

No wonder so many drivers have such a dim view of our proffesion working for such ■■■■■■■■