
Is a bare bottom too much for the sensitive souls on trucknet? You can have over the top ■■■■■■■■ innuendo (sorry dave) but a peachy little bottom is too much for the dodgy tickers of the old timers on here? Maybe they should have laid off the fry ups.

If you want to post pictures of naked women there are plenty of websites that allow you, in fact encourage you, to do so. This isn’t one of them.

Jesus christ. This bit is overrun with trolls. But that’s fine. A bare botty and is a crime. Makes me wonder if this is a forum for drivers or school kids.

Its not a crime, just not wanted on here… time and place for everything chap

Trolls aren’t wanted either. But they over run the forum. Hkloss for example must have started a dozen threads on the referendum today alone. No wonder some of the better posters drift away.

Hkloss for example must have started a dozen threads on the referendum today alone

Which are all now in the correct place :unamused: :unamused:

Trolls aren’t wanted either. But they over run the forum.

And when they overstep the mark they are called into line or premoderated

No wonder some of the better posters drift away.

Well your still here and have been for quite a while so pretty sure you are well aquainted with what is acceptable here and what isn’t.

Your image went too far and was removed, you have asked why and been given the reasons.

[emoji85] [emoji85] [emoji85]

Is a bare bottom too much for the sensitive souls on trucknet? You can have over the top ■■■■■■■■ innuendo (sorry dave) but a peachy little bottom is too much for the dodgy tickers of the old timers on here?

What’s all this about?

Did you post a pic of your bare arse again Happysack?

No Mr monkey. I posted a picture of a naked lady. Taken from behind. All very tasteful. A little meme to inject some humour into the referendum thread. Sadly you can’t see this as it overstepped the rules.

Meanwhile the resident ■■■ pest posted a picture containing a naked woman showing her arse, and that’s fine.

This naked lady taken from behind, was it a side view picture? Because a rear view one should never be shown. Who wants to see nuts swinging in the wind :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: