Read the comments

Lots of comment after the video.

What’s with the voice commentary, sounds a bit odd, is it computer generated?

As an aside I have noticed some slightly off item descriptions on ebay like they have been ai written. Seems a bit lazy for the sake of writing a paragraph or two about an item.

When cultures collide, with a smidgeon of entitlement thrown in too.

Surely just a stunt for YouTube

So engineered you tube stunt or not, let’s take it at face value for a minute for arguments sake.
A religious nut case immigrant comes over the here (bet your life sure as hell illegally) and walks around (or kneels in this case :roll_eyes:) like he owns the place with zero consideration or commitment to local culture, local people and definitely law of thr country…Sounds very familiar does that.
So what exactly is new or surprising here?
Have a walk round your own cities for many more examples.

I’m only surprised he is on his own, they usually walk around in packs.
A swift running kick up his protruding arse would solve the situation in an instance.

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I don’t have any inside knowledge of this video.
(Since I started looking at other links etc from others here, my viewing history might make me a target for the security services!)

If the soundtrack started with some Gaelic music and the soundtrack was a young lad talking about his Saturday night out, what would the comments have been?
If the soundtrack was machine gun fire and a calm woman;s voice making an appeal for help for those suffering PTSD, what would the comments have been?

Having seen videos of Muslims at prayer don’t they all stand/knell/crouch/kneel/stand and repeat?
Don’t they use prayer mats? Remove shoes?

Too many see what they are told to see. Or what they really want to see. Robert Maxwell said summat about it being easy to lie to people, especially when they want to believe in the lie.

I don’t know if it someone a bit drunk after an afternoon session, someone having a mental health issue, or a victim of an assault or indeed it could be someone praying in the street .
But if it is the latter maybe the Nuns will be along later to get the Priest back to his church.

Precisely, or maybe even Tonto with his ear to the ground telling The Lone Ranger what time the last stagecoach passed.
Could not possibly be Dr Genuineasylumseeker kc, disrupting the locals, …because all that is lies/fantasy/nonsense/fake news from a biased media source… innit.

Definitely not a Muslim praying, seen enough of them doing it at the university. Drugs more like, spice turns people into unresponsive zombies.

Nah…I’m still going with Tonto.:joy:

Just a regular guy lads…

“Where the chuffing heck is that contact lens”… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I wonder how much net money got wasted by Scots going to see their team get totally killed by the Germans?

…Then there’s defeatist UK team saying that “Oooh Serbia could give us a hard time…”
FFS they don’t seem to have much confidence in themselves - do they?

How about some Bravado like Labour seem to have right now?

“This is an easy first round win for us… It’s just a question of our goal winning margin”…
said no one I can’t remember when.

Do you think that the Scots would consider it wasted? Actually I imagine that you probably do, that’ll be because you’re bereft of passion I imagine.

On a side note it’s ironic that the player who has scored the most international goals for Scotland in the last 20 years is a German!

There’s a UK team? :astonished: Who would have thought it. :thinking:

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There’s a UK team once the Scots got thrashed, - yes… :wink:

Remember Andy Murry on the tennis?
If he plays well, he’s a scot… if he plays disappointingly, well, he’s our guy @ the UK that lost…