RE-the jobs advertised on this site

Why ain’t the rates of pay shown?
Instead of “competitive rates of pay” why not just put what the pay actually is?Not gonna waste my time applying through the links to find the pay ain’t as “competitive” as I want it to be…

What advertised jobs■■?

The ones listed here Jobs from Truck & Driver/Logistics Job Shop :wink:

And no I don’t know why actual rates of pay are shown.

Why ain’t the rates of pay shown?
Instead of “competitive rates of pay” why not just put what the pay actually is?Not gonna waste my time applying through the links to find the pay ain’t as “competitive” as I want it to be…

It would be to stop there competitors knowing how much they pay drivers and it a way of getting you to apply

Why would knowing what a competitor pays give commercial advantage ot should give as usually wage is the main reason for changing jobs

The ones listed here Jobs from Truck & Driver/Logistics Job Shop :wink:

And no I don’t know why actual rates of pay are shown.

Ahh, I was thinking of this section full of drivers selling themselves…


and it a way of getting you to apply

Dunno bout you, but when i see a job advertised with no rate of pay specified, or “competitive” or “exceeds NMW” or whatever, I ignore it - because you can be sure as anything the pay will be utterly ■■■■.

And it ain’t just this site, it’s every site. Employers seem to think we don’t care about the wages because we’re all desperate for work? Eh, naw.


Why ain’t the rates of pay shown?
Instead of “competitive rates of pay” why not just put what the pay actually is?Not gonna waste my time applying through the links to find the pay ain’t as “competitive” as I want it to be…

It would be to stop there competitors knowing how much they pay drivers and it a way of getting you to apply

Yes but it wastes everyone’s time,mine if I were to apply then attend an interview only to be told the pay is £8p/h and also the employers time of setting up the interview only for me to turn up and leave the interview in fits of laughter after being told that he wants me to drive for £8p/h.

I reckon all jobs advertised should show total pay / income brake down along with any additional benefits .
This would obviously make company’s seriously think about how they run their business and treat their staff,

Why ain’t the rates of pay shown?.

Because they are zb:!: If they were good then that recruiter wouldn’t be advertising-think about it:wink:

…“competitive rates of pay” …

This lets you know they’re engaged in the following competition:-
“Who can pay closest to NMW and still fill the post” (winner takes the biggest cut).

Just read in Hemel H.
“Text: Work to 66777”