Re, Re, Foden

Pete Allard-Morgan knows that DieselDave has made a right mess of editing VALKYRIE’S posts.

I warned TruckNetUK that I would say what I know to be true of Saviem:He publicaly insulted my cousin,VALKYRIE,by calling him a lunatic :open_mouth:
Saviem has got a SUPERCILIOUS attitude and is totally wrong,and he could have now deservedly opened himself up to legal proceedings! :exclamation: for defamation
of VALKYRIE’s character! :exclamation:

Saviem ought to be banned from this forum! :exclamation:


Pete Allard-Morgan knows that DieselDave has made a right mess of editing VALKYRIE’S posts.

I warned TruckNetUK that I would say what I know to be true of Saviem:He publicaly insulted my cousin,VALKYRIE,by calling him a lunatic :open_mouth:

Your other cousins are Renee Pilot and Eddie Stobart Fan, if I am not mistaken. Did, by any chance, one of them marry a lovely young man from Leatherhead?

Pete Allard-Morgan knows that DieselDave has made a right mess of editing VALKYRIE’S posts.

I warned TruckNetUK that I would say what I know to be true of Saviem:He publicaly insulted my cousin,VALKYRIE,by calling him a lunatic :open_mouth:
Saviem has got a SUPERCILIOUS attitude and is totally wrong,and he could have now deservedly opened himself up to legal proceedings! :exclamation: for defamation
of VALKYRIE’s character! :exclamation:

Saviem ought to be banned from this forum! :exclamation:


Who made you judge and jury?
Saviem has proved himself as a valuable member of these forums. A supercilious attitude isn’t against anyones rules.
We don’t intend to be banning anyone any time soon, let alone on the say so of an alterego with 5 posts.
Anyone we do ban will be after considerable thought and consideration of all the relevant information available to us.

Pete Allard-Morgan knows that DieselDave has made a right mess of editing VALKYRIE’S posts.


Random crap was removed under the random crap rule. (Please see forum rules.)
If you wish to call it “making a right mess” then that’s fine by me.
Strange how VALKYRIE hasn’t complained on his own behalf though eh??
Or maybe he’s taken the trouble to read the forum rules and thinks it’s a fair cop? (Just a thought.)

I warned TruckNetUK that I would say what I know to be true of Saviem:He publicaly insulted my cousin,VALKYRIE,by calling him a lunatic :open_mouth:

That’s quite true, and it was me who removed it, but I can’t see how that’s any of your business.

Saviem has got a SUPERCILIOUS attitude and is totally wrong,and he could have now deservedly opened himself up to legal proceedings! :exclamation: for defamation
of VALKYRIE’s character! :exclamation:

Again, although absolutely none of your business, the word was removed from ONE post within an hour of it being written.
The stored moderator logs and all the reports can confirm this once your lawyer gets in touch.

Saviem ought to be banned from this forum! :exclamation:


Since you’ve said this publicly, my reply is also public.
There’s not a chance of that happening on the evidence you have provided, but thanks for bringing this matter to attention and being so willing to discuss it publicly.

My opinion is that your post looks like somebody making an overblown fuss over a matter that has already been dealt with.

:bulb: It’s now open to other posters to form and give an opinion…

:bulb: It’s now open to other posters to form and give an opinion…

Here’s mine, for what it’s worth… :smiley:

Saviem’s posts are extremely interesting, knowledgeable and thoughtful. His recall of facts and detail is astounding and I read all of his posts with the utmost interest. He has proven to me just how little I know about the industry that I have been involved with and loved since I was a small boy. Bollinger obviously does the man the power of good… :wink: :smiley:

VALKYRIE, on the other hand… :confused: Some of his posts are interesting but most go on and on and on and on… :unamused: Well researched perhaps but IMHO not particularly knowledgeable…

Pete Allard-Morgan? Who he? :unamused: :unamused: :smiley: :smiley:

On a car club forum I am a member of there is an ignore button, this the purpose of it:
“For those who find posts by one or more forum posters annoying there is the ignore button, allowing you to “ignore” posts by those posters, they will appear as blank posts.”
If there was one on here, I might be tempted to use it with a certain member who’s name is not Saviem :wink:

On a car club forum I am a member of there is an ignore button, this the purpose of it:
“For those who find posts by one or more forum posters annoying there is the ignore button, allowing you to “ignore” posts by those posters, they will appear as blank posts.”
If there was one on here, I might be tempted to use it with a certain member who’s name is not Saviem :wink:

Just for your future info, if you click on the username of any individual there is an ‘add friend’ button or an ‘add foe’ button. The ‘add foe’ does exactly the same as your ‘ignore’ clicky.

The problem that I find is that you lose a lot of the continuation of the thread so the scroll wheel on the mouse works for me - fabulous invention! :smiley:


Pete Allard-Morgan knows that DieselDave has made a right mess of editing VALKYRIE’S posts.


Random crap was removed under the random crap rule. (Please see forum rules.)
If you wish to call it “making a right mess” then that’s fine by me.
Strange how VALKYRIE hasn’t complained on his own behalf though eh??
Or maybe he’s taken the trouble to read the forum rules and thinks it’s a fair cop? (Just a thought.)

I warned TruckNetUK that I would say what I know to be true of Saviem:He publicaly insulted my cousin,VALKYRIE,by calling him a lunatic :open_mouth:

That’s quite true, and it was me who removed it, but I can’t see how that’s any of your business.

Saviem has got a SUPERCILIOUS attitude and is totally wrong,and he could have now deservedly opened himself up to legal proceedings! :exclamation: for defamation
of VALKYRIE’s character! :exclamation:

Again, although absolutely none of your business, the word was removed from ONE post within an hour of it being written.
The stored moderator logs and all the reports can confirm this once your lawyer gets in touch.

Saviem ought to be banned from this forum! :exclamation:


Since you’ve said this publicly, my reply is also public.
There’s not a chance of that happening on the evidence you have provided, but thanks for bringing this matter to attention and being so willing to discuss it publicly.

My opinion is that your post looks like somebody making an overblown fuss over a matter that has already been dealt with.

:bulb: It’s now open to other posters to form and give an opinion…

you sorted out your internet issue then :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

… you sorted out your internet issue then :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not quite Rob, but a bit of sticky tape and string is keeping me online for the present.

Some nice people are supposed to be sending me a new modem on Tuesday. :smiley:

Piston broke:

On a car club forum I am a member of there is an ignore button, this the purpose of it:
“For those who find posts by one or more forum posters annoying there is the ignore button, allowing you to “ignore” posts by those posters, they will appear as blank posts.”
If there was one on here, I might be tempted to use it with a certain member who’s name is not Saviem :wink:

Just for your future info, if you click on the username of any individual there is an ‘add friend’ button or an ‘add foe’ button. The ‘add foe’ does exactly the same as your ‘ignore’ clicky.

The problem that I find is that you lose a lot of the continuation of the thread so the scroll wheel on the mouse works for me - fabulous invention! :smiley:

Thanks Paul.

OK I’m not going to fill the original thread (Old Foden) with any more rubbish but just for the record the first Marathon’s in the UK where nicknamd ‘Twiggy’s’ because the day cab’s were so thin and were so flat at the front :exclamation: :open_mouth: :laughing: :wink:

Dave Penn;