Re Free phone

Why has it been moved to the sale or swap forum when the phone was being given away FREE i put the post in the general forum so more people had a chance of viewing it, And seeing as i wasnt selling or swapping it i didnt think it had broken any of the rules.

Talk about being over moderated :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: When your only trying to do someone a good turn :cry: :cry: :cry:


if you care to notice there is still a link in here

this post will be moved to the feed back forum.


So whats the point of moving it then as its basicly still here :unamused:


Simon…dont beat about the bush…just post it to me…save any arguments…

Already gone trucky sorry, Cornish trucker has claimed it :stuck_out_tongue:


Just to confirm that Jonboy’s decision was the right one. The only other possible place for it was Bully’s Bar, but the For Sale or Swap Forum still seems most appropriate.
Whatever way you look at it, it wasn’t trucking related therefore shouldn’t have been in the PDF. :unamused:

As for the standard of moderation here, if you find it is not to your liking, I suggest you try one of the many other trucking sites on the web, each of which have a different style. Horses for courses, really. :wink:

Ps. We leave a “shadow” so that people can still find topics they have posted or read once after they have been moved. Kind of a compromise.

I’ll tell you something it will be the last time i offer something FREE to try and help another COMMUNITY member on here if this is the reaction i get

As for the standard of moderation here, if you find it is not to your liking, I suggest you try one of the many other trucking sites on the web

And thats a really bad attitude that lucy im sorry to say, especially when i had already explained to Jonboy why i had put it in the general forum but you just had to have the last word didnt you talk about being on a power trip there really was no need for your input as me and jonboy had said what needed saying and the matter was dealt with, i mean by the time you posted this the phone was on its way to its new owner

If you want me to leave just say so and ill be off as just lately its like walking on eggshells being on here


It is the reaction prescribed by both fact and the rules.

If I wanted power I would be in politics or law, not truck driving.

Whether you leave or not is entirely your choice, but whilst you are here we expect you to abide by the rules.

It is the reaction prescribed by both fact and the rules.

Well ive looked at that several times and i can honestly say i have no idea what your on about :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:
